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Thundercats Roar - Making fun of critcism and of those who liked the 2011 Thundercats in a childish strawman way is low...

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Well when you let someone who flat out said he doesn't like Thundercats and wanted to make fun of Thundercats create a Thundercats reboot on TOP of being a thin-skinned crybaby manchild, I suppose something as heinous is this is just plain inevitable.

I swear, every step forward for CN is a giant fucking step back into a big fat glop of dogshit. What kind of lead chips are they eating where they let this kind of shit happen in their fucking animated properties?

Duke Bruh
Duke Bruh

in reply to Takashi.0

The weird part is that he didn't seem like that in the promo. I really said to myself "hey he might not like Thundercats but maybe he could make something out of this despite looking hideous",it didn't it as we all know.

As much as I prefer CN over Nickelodeon, they have an odd track record. It's either something fresh or new and really deliver a great product or just a complete trainwreck that is decent at its peak.


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