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Bernie Sanders - On the bright side, he'll probably never ask you to do it again... will he?

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The Glorious Lobster Emperor
The Glorious Lobster Emperor

This is why I don't really like Bernie as much as other people.

Bernie is pretty good policy wise. Not quite what I like, but as close as you can get considering my extreme. He'd definitely govern the country better than Trump or Biden.

But the guy gets screwed over repeatedly by the establishment and he seems too quick to give up and endorse the ratbag who screwed him over.

I feel like if Bernie actually decided to fight against it and run against the establishment instead of trying to bend around it, he'd do better than quietly conceding.


in reply to Sneaker

Bernie SHOULD have been the spoiler. The DNC did not deserve his support and he gave it anyways. That does not endear him to me, it makes me lose more respect for him. The fact that he would even do this means he's just another pawn in the orangemanbad brigade. Otherwise, maybe he would have stuck to his supposed principles.

You don't like Trump, I get that. But wanting him to lose at any cost is foolish. Biden is just about the weakest candidate the DNC could have put forward both politically and mentally. Choosing to support him gives him legitimacy he does not deserve. The DNC needs to learn a lesson from defeat so they can improve themselves.

Unfortunately 2016 taught them nothing because they have no ability to self-reflect and learn and change. No political should be able to survive like that.


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