behold, the capital hill autonomous zone
Uploaded by asimplecontributor Jun 10, 2020 at 02:42PM EDT
capital hill autonomous zone antifa autozone seattle /pol/ chaz glow in the dark cia hobos
Origin Entry: Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP)
File type: jpg
Resolution: (2136px x 1012px)
File size: 897 KB
Puget sound gun club patrolling The autonomous zone which was set up and being run by the protestors in cap hill. It’s a Self contained and guarded zone for protestors to get food , medical treatment , and sleep. Police have willingly pulled out of the ar
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Last night, Antifa activists created a six-block barricade in Capitol Hill and declared themselves independent from the City of Seattle. In this "autonomous zone," cars are banned and armed guards stand watch at the barricades. These activist groups are
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Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) - behold, the capital hill autonomous zone
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