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Going to play devil's advocate for a minute.

Jesse Smollet was obviously fake from the get-go, and while the original clip painted the Covington kids in a bad light people who jumped to conclusions were quickly BTFO when more video came out almost immediately. Even still, you had people still latched on to the original narrative for quite a while afterwards.

Contrast this with Tim commenting on a story from NBC “The NYPD in investigating an incident tonight involving the poisoning of 3 uniformed officers…”

When you consider that while the NYPD found no criminality:
“Police sources said the case has been deemed unintentional after it appeared that whatever cleaning solution was used on the shake machine wasn’t rinsed off enough.”

The article in the image came out less than 3 hours ago:

I don’t follow him but on a whim I googled his twitter and as of an hour ago:


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