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in reply to charli36

>refusing to rent to black tenants
More like refusing welfare tenants. All the accusations here are assumptions, not facts.
>refusing aid to Haitians and Nigerians with racist claims
"reportedly". Reportedly I heard you saying you're an alien preparing Earth for invasion.
>racist claims against Muslims, plus the travel ban that didn't cover the place where the 9/11 terrorists came from
"Muslim" is not a race. It's a religion, and there are white people practicing it as well.
>Continually making it harder for people from Mexico to immigrate legally.
"Mexican" is not a race, it's a nationality. There are white Mexicans.
>Telling American Citizens Congresswomen to go back to their countries due to their race
Even if he said it to Omar, tell me with a straight face, that Somalia, the world capital of piracy isn't crime-infested. Besides, that's not racist. Nationalistic at worst.
>repeated refusal to condemn literal, actual, Nazis.
And now you're pulling things out of context, and you know it, and you hope I don't know that.


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