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QAnon - Not sure were to upload this, but yikes, there goes the argument that militias are mostly harmless

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in reply to VeteranAdventureHobo

Dude that's not a normal US flag. And we have a general Politics/Government entry. There is nothing to my knowledge this group ("Wolverine Watchdogs") to Qanon or the far right. Also, I doubt non-anarchists would work with an outspoken anarchist to carry out… you know, anarchy? IMO this should be moved to the politics umbrella entry for now, until this event gets its own entry, if it does.


in reply to Mothman

The wolverine watchdogs are far right, or at least extremist Christian, which has a lot of bleed over. They are a millennialism following constitutionalist militia. Millennialism is a Christian religious view that there will be a golden age followed by the apocalypse. Ill move the image if I can, thank you for telling me about the other gallery


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