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Webcomics - Edited Shortpacked comic Bad At Math by /co/

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in reply to Nedhitis

I saw this comic years ago and, out of curiosity, looked up what it was talking about. Though, that was a while back, so memory's a bit fuzzy.

It's talking about a comic with the Red Hood in the New 52. Where they retcon Starfire's personality and make her borderline brain damaged when it comes to basic things like memory, empathy or emotion in general. Everyone "looks the same" to her, and the only way she can have any kind of connection or even awareness of different people is to be intimate with them. Basically an excuse to have her sleep around. A lesser problem, though a compounding one, is the large amount of fanservice it had for her too.

Dunno how long they kept that up in future comics, but people did get upset when the issue came out. Not just any fans of the show that didn't like this Starfire (like the creator for the above comic I assume) but also fans of the old comics too.


in reply to Icecane

Point exactly. Hell there was a reason DC released the solo Starfire comic after she left Red Hood & The Outlaws and basically retcon the whole portrayal of that character in the book.

I have some memories of the book and her character there was hit or miss. On one hand they retain some of her good qualities from the lore such as her tendency to being empathic to people she call friends (like Jason in issue 8) and even focus on her backstory when the group went off world to Tamaran. But on the other hand the approach of giving her the mind of a goldfish that cares mostly about sexual encounters alone goes against the intention of the character. Yeah she is all about open love and sexuality as her people are strong in expressing their emotions, but the way the comics does it is more in lines of doing fanservice then the character being who they are. Not to mention the more jaded disposition she express.

Basically, this isn't really SJW complaining about sexualization and more so about their favorite character being written OOC.


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