I could walk under a thousand ladders and break a million mirrors but I would still be lucky as long as I have you. | /r/wholesomememes
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Dec 12, 2020 at 04:21PM EST
/r/wholesomememes reddit wholesome finger skin organism wrist muscle flowering plant thumb
Origin Entry: Wholesome Memes
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This was for someone special, but I wanted to share in the belief that everyone has someone special they want to say Happy Birthday to [OC] | /r/wholesomememes
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My heart goes out to all the good bosses especially the ones that act tuff but are kind hearted | /r/wholesomememes
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Wholesome Memes - I could walk under a thousand ladders and break a million mirrors but I would still be lucky as long as I have you. | /r/wholesomememes
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