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264 Views Created 3 years ago By Reddit Moments • Updated 3 years ago

Created By Reddit Moments • Updated 3 years ago

B7ykhpZCMAlmkPR[1].jpg (67 KB, 600x436) google igdb wait I Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)09:46:51 No.30903012 v >>30903052 >>30903058 >>30903079 >>30903110 >>30903151 >>30903168 >>30903205 >>30903248 >>30903317 >>30903518 >>30903524 >>30903537 >>30903653 >>30903688 >>30904260 >>30904268 >>30904343 >>30904353 >>30904581 >>30905773 >>30906176 >>30906196 >>30906211 >>30906252 >>30906715 >>30909832 >>30910199 A fairy appears and says you can have any single gun in the world for free. You cannot sell the gun or trade it, you must keep it. If your country has any firearm laws preventing it, they make an exception for you. What do you choose and why? E I Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)09:50:15 No.30903048 v Orban cannon. 69dabf1f04ed54034f5cf8552(.).pa (55 KB, 736x489) google igdb wait IAnonymous 08/07/16(Sun)10:42:34 No.30903561 v >>30903650 >30910185 EU says goodbye.jpg (79 KB, 500x319) google igdb wait If the wish includes unlimited ammo, pic related. DORA and i dont need to explain why >>30904806 >>30903650 >>30903561 >be anon >magical fairy shows up >says I can have any gun I want >evil grin spreads across my face >ICH VIL HAB DER SCHWERER GUSTAV, BITTE >I'm not even german >fairy rolls its eyes and flicks wand >marvel of german engineering appears in my back yard >and also my neighbour gary's yard >f--- you gary, I dare you to say something about this >f------ gary Anyway >I start wondering what to shoot it at >suddenly it comes to me >all those f------ years >all that lunch money >all the wedgies and swirlies >every single moment comes rushing back >Chad >manage to ignore my endless, thundering erection long enough to have a rough idea of how to load it >don't have a crane, though >buy a couple floor jacks, eventually figure out a way to make it work >still gunna have to muscle it around >spend the next 10 days getting it ready to fire >have to take breaks to masturbate to how awesome this thing is >finally get it ready to fire >only took 2 hernias and a torn ligament >its aimed at chad's house >and his stupid f------ truck >f--- you chad >I know this is gunna be loud >really loud >double up on the earpro because I'm a f------ gear queer >dressed up in my German ww2 repro gear for the occasion >make last minute checks >FEUER!! >fire >the entire neighbourhood shakes >every window shattered >every car alarm going off >I'm pretty sure that crack den down the street just exploded to0 >this is going to be on the f------ richter scale >looking in the general direction of chad's house >see a flash and black smoke on the edge of the horizon >several seconds later, sounds like a thunder clap >l can hear sirens >they don't even know where to go >people 5 miles away reported a gunshot >people 3 miles away reported an explosion >people near Chad are all f------ dead >l levelled his entire neighbourhood though >cops were scared it was nuclear >Turns out chad was at work >prepare for the next shot >f------ chad
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