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King DJ
King DJ

in reply to H-BOMB

I believe Pedro was comparing the immigrant detention camps to the holocaust while Gina was basically saying being conservative was like being Jewish during the holocaust. Which one sounds worse to you

Shadow of the Void
Shadow of the Void

in reply to King DJ

Exactly. Conservatives aren't being "shunned" for being conservatives. Rather, it's for specific things they say and do, which are increasingly beyond the pale. Conservatives are becoming more and more likely to believe in patently ridiculous conspiracy theories and engage in overt bigotry. QAnon. 2021 election conspiracies. Anti-vax & COVID conspiracies. Trans- and homophobia. These beliefs aren't just wrong. They're dangerous. They've gotten people hurt and even killed. And some people are saying "enough is enough" and demanding those espousing such views are held to account for it.

Also, conservatives seem to forget that they readily engage in "cancel culture" themselves, with notable examples of people "cancelled" by the right in the 21st Century being The Dixie Chicks and Colin Kaepernick. Hell, back in the 1950s they had McCarthyism, so they were doing the "cancel culture" thing before it was cool, with the full backing of government officials.


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