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The Anglo
The Anglo

"k_k_k_kang.nyang" (funny name, I know) was a pretty popular Korean Instagram model who, as you can tell, is a bit larger than the average East Asian woman, and turned that into her main appeal. She did a few advertisements for fast foods and was very well liked by the people following her.

However, one day she posted what her idea type would be, and it's the stereotypical "bro dude!!" Californian surfer that you see in the image below. Definitely no average person considering how jacked he is, but it's a white guy, and the Asians following her did not like that at all.
What followed was an endless series of harassments from Asian communities online, until she was forced to delete her Instagram account.
Just for confirmation, I searched for others sharing links to it, I got to threads on /ck/, /biz/, /pol/ and /sp/ and finally found it and yeah, her account got deleted.
You can get an example from the screenshot of the comment section over there. What I like about it, is that it shows 5 things
1- her trying to tell she's not racist to some random black guy
2- insults, death threats and r/hapas being mentioned out of nowhere
3- one going "your ideal type is a white guy WTF???"
4- some Asian online slang like "Anna Lu"
5- user literally named "aznidentity"

I searched to see if she was anywhere on Instagram again, and nope. Completely gone. What a shame.


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