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Metroid - Zero suit Samus 6'3 and 198 lbs

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On one hand, I doubt that this is what they were envisioning back in the day when they wrote those stats and it certainly isn't what they invision nowadays, on the other hand, this makes plenty of sense, anyone who gets their DNA changed so that they become a space pirate killing machine like she is will most likely look like that.


in reply to Quiet_boi

My only minor nitpick is that her weight seems a little low for someone of her height with as much muscle mass that's depicted here in my opinion, but at the same time, not only is she altered with fictional bird-people DNA, but she also primarily does everything in the Power Suit, so I'd expect that she'd train more just to maximize and maintain agility and flexibility (the latter of which I'd consider incredibly important for Samus due to the Morph Ball) instead of just bulking up for raw strength and power since the armor would probably be doing most of the heavy-lifting she'd need to do. Which factoring that in with her in-game appearances, I'd say would fit the 193 lbs. weight better than this artwork does with it's super-chiseled Samus.


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