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in reply to Mistress Fortune

Unfortunately, there are some more issues beyond that, albeit it's not Colors Ultimate levels of screwing up.

Players have reported soft locking in Sonic 3. It also lacks the remastered sprite work the other games did, and are the most blurry when upscaled to HD. Stealth, the guy who made the port, publicly stated on twitter he was not satisfied with it when he turned it in. He asked SEGA to give Headcanon more time, but SEGA would not allow him to delay it.

Guess why?

Had to release it on Sonic's 31st Birthday.
Great job, SEGA.


in reply to Quiet_boi

SEGA screwed up the Origins collection, it's not worth $40.

The games listed on the left are free, open source, fan made native PC ports of the classic Sonic games using reverse engineered source code. They are objectively the best way to play classic Sonic. If you'd like to play Sonic's best work for the first time then these fan ports and Mania Plus are the best ways to do so.


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