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Webcomics - A severe crime that the Italians will make sure wont go unpunished

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J. The Perverted Summoner
J. The Perverted Summoner Moderator

Every time I see someone on Twitter saying that we Italians get so offended about trivial things about food is a surprise. I kind of understand the pineapple on pizza, I somewhat felt disdain towards it myself, but stuff like breaking spaghetti and now this confuse the hell out of me, because I've never met an Italian person who would take these things personally

Anyway, we Italians don't called them "bowties" in the first place, we call them "farfalle" (butterflies). Thinking about it now, they do look more like bowties than butterflies, but we probably don't call them like that because we call bowties "papillon" and…. and that sounds too Fr*nch for pasta tbh


I was looking at that comment section for real reasons why people might care about pasta shape.
Some pastas are better at holding sauce, holding air.
There is also the fun factor/novelty can be fun for children.
The texture in the mouth creates unique mouthfeels.
Some shapes cook more evenly than others. Bowtie/Farfalle will be more chewy in the centre
Some shapes might be better for different dishes.


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