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2023 U.S. Gas Stove Ban Hoax - Are you people really so stupid that you’ll fall for “we never said that, it was trolls making deepf...

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People are kind of forgetting large scale news companies like WaPo have hundreds of writers and thus release multiple different articles about the same issue each day. Not a defense, but just a note of observation. Some of these are reporting the news while some are opinion pieces. All by a different writer each time.


Isn't this falling into the exact same misunderstanding that caused the controversy in the first place?

The safety people were like "gas stoves are less safe and we think they should be phased out"
Then the conservatives were like "DEY TERK ERRR STOVES"

When it's not like they meant they were physically going to break down your door and forcibly prise your gas cooker from your cold dead fingers, obviously they just meant they want new homes to only use electric cookers.

But… now this person is taking the same headlines of "gas is dangerous, we're considering a ban" and saying "OH SO NOW YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE PEOPLE'S STOVES AWAY?!"

Like wh

None of these headlines are mutually exclusive, my dude


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