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It's even more funny when you look at Jack Horner as an interpretation of Disney itself, because I'm 99% certain that's what he is.
>Runs an oppressively wealthy company inherited from his family (Disney Execs taking over the wealth and fame that was attributed to Walt)
>Collects "magical" artifacts (Disney's continuous desire to have a monopoly on the "magic" of what makes people attached to film and television)
>His wish is to have all of the world's magic (Disney is obsessed with attempting to create a media monopoly)
>Mass production of pies all of which are plum pies (Disney releasing similarly plotted movies for the past decade)
>Active abuse and sacrifice of workers to reach his goals (Self explanitory as Disney has done this nonstop since the 90s, in fact that was why DreamWorks was founded in the first place)

Horner IS Disney. Disney doesn't do evil rich assholes anymore because that is what they are.


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