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That's a new record
Uploaded by OeperinoOomoro May 13, 2023 at 09:52PM EDT
wish walt disney animation studios walt disney pictures panic attack r/moviescirclejerk
Origin Entry: Realistic Depiction of a Panic Attack in Animation
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Resolution: (900px x 725px)
File size: 541 KB
Meanwhile, Click has the most accurate depiction of a panic attack in media I’ve seen— this is EXACTLY how it feels. You can’t think, can’t speak, and sometimes even the sound of a loved one trying to help gets drowned by your heart beating out of your ch
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DreamybullXXX has the most accurate depiction of a panic attack in media I’ve seen - this is EXACTLY how it feels. You can’t think,can’t speak, and sometimes even the sound of a loved one trying to help gets drowned by your heart beating out of your chest
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Realistic Depiction of a Panic Attack in Animation - That's a new record
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