Survivorship Bias Plane
Uploaded by sakshi Sep 05, 2023 at 07:20AM EDT
survivorship bias plane world war 2 plane with red dots bullets in planes world war two logical error survivors bias plane with red dots on wings meme plane red dots meaning
Origin Entry: Survivorship Bias Plane
File type: png
Resolution: (1988px x 1488px)
File size: 560 KB
"our dwarven engineers came up with a new armor design protecting against the typical injuries sustained by warriors returning from battles in the netherworld"
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During the Trojan War, the Greeks noted that their Achilles units would return from battle wounded in many areas except around the heel. Therefore they increased the armour around the rest of the body but left the heel unguarded. This is a classic example
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And here you can see where we decided to put little pepperonis all over the plane so it would taste better
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Very simple to explain why more people are identifying as trans or gay or whatever than generations past, here's a helpful chart that will explain it
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Our online survey showed that all of the students had the required hardware and internet bandwidth to participate in the online courses.
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