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Seriously? What?

Okay, Know Your Meme, I KNOW that you make money off of memes, and I'm cool with that, I would kill to have a job like that. And I appreciate what you do most of the time. It is amazing that you document all this amazing stuff that is on the internet, I like that.

But what I, and many other people DON'T like is you guys MAKING and FORCING memes for money. This shit isn't a meme, Brad, it is a stupid, lame, and unfunny picture made by either you, Don, or someone else who works at wherever the hell you guys do this.

You guys are becoming even worse than the fucktard BNMs that come on here and make their own so called "memes" the only things that make you even a LITTLE better is that you can use proper grammar.

This isn't a meme, this is shit, and if this keeps up, I'll start looking at you guys like shit too.


This single specific image is posted under Advice Animals; not sure what the fuss is about, unless it concerns one's own personal preference as to what constitutes an Advice Animal meme. Given all the other spin-offs, I see nothing wrong with this. The concept of contrasting our current economy with the ways of "old economy" as "Old Economy Steven" was picked up around a week ago.
A fair amount of submissions have already been made, to name one, on quickmeme.


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