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• Created 11 years ago By opspe • Updated 10 months ago

Created 11 years ago By opspe • Updated 10 months ago

Your boobs. Hey Girls, did you know that uhmm. Can go wherever they w Beacuse it's YOUR body


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Comments ( 55 )

  • Teh Brawler - 11 years ago

    This is called "crazy feminism".

    • raul351 - 9 years ago

      I'm interpreting this comment as an attempt to discredit the notion that feminism can be taken to extreme lengths. She's clearly not a crazy feminist but that doesn't mean there aren't any out there.

  • Bunko0 - 11 years ago

    Just pointing out, it's illegal in most places for women to expose their boobs in public. So no, they can't go wherever they want.

    • I-is-vegeturiunz - 10 years ago

      I don't think she means literally, just like I doubt the girl who made the original "Your boobs go in your shirt." post talking about girls going topless.

      • I-is-vegeturiunz - 10 years ago

        *I doubt she WAS talking about girls going topless.

        Noticed after I made my post.

    • I-is-vegeturiunz - 10 years ago

      *I doubt she WAS talking about girls going topless.

      Noticed after I made my post.

    • Salem Saberhagen - 10 years ago

      Technically speaking, she can expose her breasts in public; so long as she is willing to accept the consequences for it.

  • Lori - 11 years ago

    She doesn't literally mean anywhere… I hope. She just means that girls shouldn't have to avoid wearing low-cut tops in public just because some bitch on the internet was slut shaming. :/

  • bigfatsausagebiscuit - 11 years ago

    Just pointing out, going topless is NOT illegal most everywhere in US.

  • The48thCrow - 11 years ago

    I'm a random guy on the internet. And I approve this message.

    • Hot Blaster Bot - 10 years ago

      I am a random robot in the internet. And I too approve this message!

  • 5-0 - 11 years ago

    Justin Bieber?

  • Crimson Avenger - 11 years ago

    Yeah you can in theory have your boobs outside your shirt but don't act surprised when you get a wolf whistle or a "Nice rack".

  • TrueL - 11 years ago

    So she's basically admitting shes a slut. so she should have done this post topless.

    • I-is-vegeturiunz - 10 years ago

      Wearing revealing clothes doesn't make a girl a slut, and I doubt she was talking about going topless, just like I doubt the girl who made the original post was talking about that.

  • Slapperfish - 10 years ago

  • Broseph Stalin - 10 years ago

    Those look like A cups, isn't this the 21st century? Get it fixed girls.

    • LNH - 9 years ago

      nice streak of hidden posts you have there.

      • Broseph Stalin - 9 years ago

        Everybody is mad….because their so much above crude humor.

        • Top Secret Name - 9 years ago

          bad pun incoming
          Stalin please stop "Putin" us on

      • Top Secret Name - 9 years ago

        bad pun incoming
        Stalin please stop "Putin" us on

  • DefinitelyNotADog - 10 years ago

    They CAN go wherever they want, given you actually want to get arrested.

    • I-is-vegeturiunz - 10 years ago

      I'm guessing she was talking about cleavage, not going topless.

  • Broseph Stalin - 10 years ago

    The joke was I was being such an asshole that it was funny.

  • Gurido - 10 years ago

    Yeah, but I've heard it before and it wasn't funny the first time.

  • Broseph Stalin - 10 years ago

    it's all relative….

  • Broseph Stalin - 10 years ago

    if you guys are all stuck up then let it be.

  • DefinitelyNotADog - 10 years ago

  • I-is-vegeturiunz - 10 years ago

    I don't think she means literally, just like I doubt the girl who made the original "Your boobs go in your shirt." post talking about girls going topless.

    • I-is-vegeturiunz - 10 years ago

      *I doubt she WAS talking about girls going topless.

      Noticed after I made my post.

  • I-is-vegeturiunz - 10 years ago

    *I doubt she WAS talking about girls going topless.

    Noticed after I made my post.

  • I-is-vegeturiunz - 10 years ago

    Wearing revealing clothes doesn't make a girl a slut, and I doubt she was talking about going topless, just like I doubt the girl who made the original post was talking about that.

  • I-is-vegeturiunz - 10 years ago

    I doubt she meant that literally; the post was a response to the original "Hey girls, did you know" post which said "Your boobs go inside your shirt". I'm pretty sure both posts were referring to cleavage, not going topless.

    • Mal Nexus - 10 years ago

      Oh my god, it really doesn't matter. The point overall is that she's stating the obvious in a feministic matter.

      • I-is-vegeturiunz - 10 years ago

        I was just responding to the comments about women going topless.

    • I-is-vegeturiunz - 10 years ago

      I was just responding to the comments about women going topless.

  • I-is-vegeturiunz - 10 years ago

    I'm guessing she was talking about cleavage, not going topless.

  • Tiny_Robin - 10 years ago

    And the point is…. well, i don't get it at all.

    AFAIK, tits are not detachable.

  • GammaWALLE - 10 years ago

    (their supposed to be somewhere on your chest, but some people have been able to move them to less inconvenient places)

  • Salem Saberhagen - 10 years ago

    Technically speaking, she can expose her breasts in public; so long as she is willing to accept the consequences for it.

  • Salem Saberhagen - 10 years ago

    I just noticed this:
    "Hey Girls, did you know that uhmm…
    Your boobs…
    Can go wherever they want…
    Because it's YOUR body."

    Your boobs can go where they want, because it's your body.
    So, remember girls. Every morning ask your boobs where they want to go.
    Because your boobs apparently are the ones in control of your body.

    • Daretobestupid - 10 years ago

      Pretty much how I understood it too, yeah.

    • tiger blood - 9 years ago

      • Jonte-an - 9 years ago

        That's a funny coincidence. I watched that episode last night :)

    • Jonte-an - 9 years ago

      That's a funny coincidence. I watched that episode last night :)

  • Mal Nexus - 10 years ago

    Oh my god, it really doesn't matter. The point overall is that she's stating the obvious in a feministic matter.

    • I-is-vegeturiunz - 10 years ago

      I was just responding to the comments about women going topless.

  • I-is-vegeturiunz - 10 years ago

    I was just responding to the comments about women going topless.

  • Hypercat-Z - 10 years ago

  • Daretobestupid - 10 years ago

    Pretty much how I understood it too, yeah.

  • Tilemahosbra - 10 years ago

  • Hot Blaster Bot - 10 years ago

    I am a random robot in the internet. And I too approve this message!

  • FutBoy - 10 years ago

  • LNH - 9 years ago

    nice streak of hidden posts you have there.

    • Broseph Stalin - 9 years ago

      Everybody is mad….because their so much above crude humor.

      • Top Secret Name - 9 years ago

        bad pun incoming
        Stalin please stop "Putin" us on

    • Top Secret Name - 9 years ago

      bad pun incoming
      Stalin please stop "Putin" us on

  • Broseph Stalin - 9 years ago

    Everybody is mad….because their so much above crude humor.

    • Top Secret Name - 9 years ago

      bad pun incoming
      Stalin please stop "Putin" us on

  • CatsGoneWildVol4 - 9 years ago

    I'd love for us to live in a world where you can walk down the street and say

    "Hey man, nice abs, you look hot!" or "Hey lady, lovely breasts, very sexy!"

    And have it met with a, "Thanks! You too!"

    Then keep walking, casual as fuck.

    Yes you can show off your breasts as much as you want, in my opinion being naked anywhere should be legal. But the more you show of your body, obviously the more people are going to see of it! And you can't expect someone to see something and not react to it.

    Show me an awesome hat and I'll have the urge to say 'Hey nice hat!'. Which doesn't mean, "Hey that's a nice hat, and I think of you as an object to hold up hats I enjoy looking at."

  • tiger blood - 9 years ago

    • Jonte-an - 9 years ago

      That's a funny coincidence. I watched that episode last night :)

  • raul351 - 9 years ago

    I'm interpreting this comment as an attempt to discredit the notion that feminism can be taken to extreme lengths. She's clearly not a crazy feminist but that doesn't mean there aren't any out there.

  • Jonte-an - 9 years ago

    That's a funny coincidence. I watched that episode last night :)

  • HatmanTheCool - 9 years ago

    Why so many people calling this young lady names and throwing words misandry and stuff around? Boobs are taboo because… why? They're not sexual organs. In fact, besides being able provide milk and having higher fat content, they're basically the same as a man's chest. Which is perfectly fine in this society. :/

    Personally I find it upsetting so many straight men are against free range boobies. Like… dude… what?

    • sedrosken - 9 years ago

      Male breasts have the internal structures necessary for providing milk as well, apparently. They just lay dormant 99.998% of the time. Personally, I think they were meant for the off chance that, during prehistoric times, the woman in the relationship were to die for any reason with young needing milk and otherwise capable males being around.

      …If that makes any sense.

      Why else would guys have nipples? Would they just be leftovers, like our appendices?

      • AceOfSpades531 - 9 years ago

        its because nipples all those structures develop before gender is determined, so it makes it incase its a girl, cuz a girl with no boobs is not beneficial to the species.

    • Astatine, Resident Hijab Enthusiast - 9 years ago

      If I can't let my pants sag to the ground under the immense weight of my swag, you can't walk around with your breasts out.

    • AceOfSpades531 - 9 years ago

      its because nipples all those structures develop before gender is determined, so it makes it incase its a girl, cuz a girl with no boobs is not beneficial to the species.

    • Nano - 9 years ago

      dont get me wrong , boobs are technicly not a "part" of reproduction\sex in itself but they do have a part in the birth and the developpement of a child. We see female breast as something attractive because it tells the more primitive parts of our brains how fertile a woman is (if i do remember well) and so thats why it gets a bit awkward if there were to be woman walking around with dem boobiez hanging out.

      i mean , in a sense : Butts are not sexual at all , and scotums as well so should everyone be allowed to walk ass naked and men allowed to walk their balls hanging out floating gloriously in the wind?

  • RPG (TheRPGFan) - 9 years ago


  • Top Secret Name - 9 years ago

    bad pun incoming
    Stalin please stop "Putin" us on

  • Lultron - 9 years ago

    Clothing is for the civilized.

    • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

      That is ethnocentric as fuck. My anthropology degree is calling shame on you.

      • Lultron - 9 years ago

        Hey, it's true, isn't it? Fashion and specialized clothing is a mark of civilization. The better the clothing, the more advanced the society is the rule of thumb. You don't see scientists and doctors walking around in loincloths and animal skins, and you definitely don't see spearhunters on the savannah wearing Giorgio Armani and Rolexes either.

        • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

          No actually, its not true. Again, its ethnocentric as fuck,
          You basically just called tribal populations who don't wear Western clothes/clothes of any kind uncivilized. Thats some imperialist bullshit right there. Additionally, you implied that Giorgio Armani and the such like is an exmaple of "civilized", which thus calls the millions of people in Western society who can't afford that shit "uncivilized".
          Who are you to define what is better? People wear what they like and what is appropriate for their environment.

          I am truly disgusted that some one in the year 2015 thinks that what constitutes a civilized society is whether they all wear expensive Western designer clothes.

          • Lultron - 9 years ago

            Westerners aren't the only ones who wear clothing like that, dipshit.
            Try Asia. Hell, even a lot of places in Africa people wear full-body covering. Indians do too.
            I'm not being ethnocentric, you're being an anal-retentive tumblrina asshat. Grow a sense of humor or gtfo, fgt. I don't got the time to screw around with you.

            • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

              But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
              You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
              I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

              But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

              • Lultron - 9 years ago

                Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

            • Lultron - 9 years ago

              Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

          • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

            But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
            You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
            I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

            But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

            • Lultron - 9 years ago

              Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

          • Lultron - 9 years ago

            Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Westerners aren't the only ones who wear clothing like that, dipshit.
          Try Asia. Hell, even a lot of places in Africa people wear full-body covering. Indians do too.
          I'm not being ethnocentric, you're being an anal-retentive tumblrina asshat. Grow a sense of humor or gtfo, fgt. I don't got the time to screw around with you.

          • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

            But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
            You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
            I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

            But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

            • Lultron - 9 years ago

              Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

          • Lultron - 9 years ago

            Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

        • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

          But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
          You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
          I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

          But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

          • Lultron - 9 years ago

            Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

      • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

        No actually, its not true. Again, its ethnocentric as fuck,
        You basically just called tribal populations who don't wear Western clothes/clothes of any kind uncivilized. Thats some imperialist bullshit right there. Additionally, you implied that Giorgio Armani and the such like is an exmaple of "civilized", which thus calls the millions of people in Western society who can't afford that shit "uncivilized".
        Who are you to define what is better? People wear what they like and what is appropriate for their environment.

        I am truly disgusted that some one in the year 2015 thinks that what constitutes a civilized society is whether they all wear expensive Western designer clothes.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Westerners aren't the only ones who wear clothing like that, dipshit.
          Try Asia. Hell, even a lot of places in Africa people wear full-body covering. Indians do too.
          I'm not being ethnocentric, you're being an anal-retentive tumblrina asshat. Grow a sense of humor or gtfo, fgt. I don't got the time to screw around with you.

          • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

            But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
            You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
            I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

            But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

            • Lultron - 9 years ago

              Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

          • Lultron - 9 years ago

            Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

        • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

          But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
          You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
          I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

          But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

          • Lultron - 9 years ago

            Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

      • Lultron - 9 years ago

        Westerners aren't the only ones who wear clothing like that, dipshit.
        Try Asia. Hell, even a lot of places in Africa people wear full-body covering. Indians do too.
        I'm not being ethnocentric, you're being an anal-retentive tumblrina asshat. Grow a sense of humor or gtfo, fgt. I don't got the time to screw around with you.

        • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

          But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
          You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
          I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

          But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

          • Lultron - 9 years ago

            Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

      • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

        But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
        You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
        I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

        But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

      • Lultron - 9 years ago

        Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

    • Lultron - 9 years ago

      Hey, it's true, isn't it? Fashion and specialized clothing is a mark of civilization. The better the clothing, the more advanced the society is the rule of thumb. You don't see scientists and doctors walking around in loincloths and animal skins, and you definitely don't see spearhunters on the savannah wearing Giorgio Armani and Rolexes either.

      • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

        No actually, its not true. Again, its ethnocentric as fuck,
        You basically just called tribal populations who don't wear Western clothes/clothes of any kind uncivilized. Thats some imperialist bullshit right there. Additionally, you implied that Giorgio Armani and the such like is an exmaple of "civilized", which thus calls the millions of people in Western society who can't afford that shit "uncivilized".
        Who are you to define what is better? People wear what they like and what is appropriate for their environment.

        I am truly disgusted that some one in the year 2015 thinks that what constitutes a civilized society is whether they all wear expensive Western designer clothes.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Westerners aren't the only ones who wear clothing like that, dipshit.
          Try Asia. Hell, even a lot of places in Africa people wear full-body covering. Indians do too.
          I'm not being ethnocentric, you're being an anal-retentive tumblrina asshat. Grow a sense of humor or gtfo, fgt. I don't got the time to screw around with you.

          • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

            But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
            You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
            I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

            But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

            • Lultron - 9 years ago

              Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

          • Lultron - 9 years ago

            Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

        • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

          But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
          You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
          I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

          But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

          • Lultron - 9 years ago

            Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

      • Lultron - 9 years ago

        Westerners aren't the only ones who wear clothing like that, dipshit.
        Try Asia. Hell, even a lot of places in Africa people wear full-body covering. Indians do too.
        I'm not being ethnocentric, you're being an anal-retentive tumblrina asshat. Grow a sense of humor or gtfo, fgt. I don't got the time to screw around with you.

        • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

          But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
          You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
          I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

          But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

          • Lultron - 9 years ago

            Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

      • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

        But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
        You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
        I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

        But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

      • Lultron - 9 years ago

        Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

    • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

      No actually, its not true. Again, its ethnocentric as fuck,
      You basically just called tribal populations who don't wear Western clothes/clothes of any kind uncivilized. Thats some imperialist bullshit right there. Additionally, you implied that Giorgio Armani and the such like is an exmaple of "civilized", which thus calls the millions of people in Western society who can't afford that shit "uncivilized".
      Who are you to define what is better? People wear what they like and what is appropriate for their environment.

      I am truly disgusted that some one in the year 2015 thinks that what constitutes a civilized society is whether they all wear expensive Western designer clothes.

      • Lultron - 9 years ago

        Westerners aren't the only ones who wear clothing like that, dipshit.
        Try Asia. Hell, even a lot of places in Africa people wear full-body covering. Indians do too.
        I'm not being ethnocentric, you're being an anal-retentive tumblrina asshat. Grow a sense of humor or gtfo, fgt. I don't got the time to screw around with you.

        • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

          But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
          You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
          I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

          But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

          • Lultron - 9 years ago

            Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

      • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

        But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
        You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
        I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

        But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

      • Lultron - 9 years ago

        Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

    • Lultron - 9 years ago

      Westerners aren't the only ones who wear clothing like that, dipshit.
      Try Asia. Hell, even a lot of places in Africa people wear full-body covering. Indians do too.
      I'm not being ethnocentric, you're being an anal-retentive tumblrina asshat. Grow a sense of humor or gtfo, fgt. I don't got the time to screw around with you.

      • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

        But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
        You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
        I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

        But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

      • Lultron - 9 years ago

        Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

    • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

      But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
      You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
      I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

      But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

      • Lultron - 9 years ago

        Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

    • Lultron - 9 years ago

      Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

  • ComicalSomber - 9 years ago

    Cops arresting you for public indecency?
    Fuck them for oppressing you.

  • sedrosken - 9 years ago

    Male breasts have the internal structures necessary for providing milk as well, apparently. They just lay dormant 99.998% of the time. Personally, I think they were meant for the off chance that, during prehistoric times, the woman in the relationship were to die for any reason with young needing milk and otherwise capable males being around.

    …If that makes any sense.

    Why else would guys have nipples? Would they just be leftovers, like our appendices?

    • AceOfSpades531 - 9 years ago

      its because nipples all those structures develop before gender is determined, so it makes it incase its a girl, cuz a girl with no boobs is not beneficial to the species.

  • Dionaea - 9 years ago

    Alright, I want my boobs to go IN MY FACE.

  • Astatine, Resident Hijab Enthusiast - 9 years ago

    If I can't let my pants sag to the ground under the immense weight of my swag, you can't walk around with your breasts out.

  • AceOfSpades531 - 9 years ago

    its because nipples all those structures develop before gender is determined, so it makes it incase its a girl, cuz a girl with no boobs is not beneficial to the species.

  • Nano - 9 years ago

    dont get me wrong , boobs are technicly not a "part" of reproduction\sex in itself but they do have a part in the birth and the developpement of a child. We see female breast as something attractive because it tells the more primitive parts of our brains how fertile a woman is (if i do remember well) and so thats why it gets a bit awkward if there were to be woman walking around with dem boobiez hanging out.

    i mean , in a sense : Butts are not sexual at all , and scotums as well so should everyone be allowed to walk ass naked and men allowed to walk their balls hanging out floating gloriously in the wind?

  • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

    That is ethnocentric as fuck. My anthropology degree is calling shame on you.

    • Lultron - 9 years ago

      Hey, it's true, isn't it? Fashion and specialized clothing is a mark of civilization. The better the clothing, the more advanced the society is the rule of thumb. You don't see scientists and doctors walking around in loincloths and animal skins, and you definitely don't see spearhunters on the savannah wearing Giorgio Armani and Rolexes either.

      • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

        No actually, its not true. Again, its ethnocentric as fuck,
        You basically just called tribal populations who don't wear Western clothes/clothes of any kind uncivilized. Thats some imperialist bullshit right there. Additionally, you implied that Giorgio Armani and the such like is an exmaple of "civilized", which thus calls the millions of people in Western society who can't afford that shit "uncivilized".
        Who are you to define what is better? People wear what they like and what is appropriate for their environment.

        I am truly disgusted that some one in the year 2015 thinks that what constitutes a civilized society is whether they all wear expensive Western designer clothes.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Westerners aren't the only ones who wear clothing like that, dipshit.
          Try Asia. Hell, even a lot of places in Africa people wear full-body covering. Indians do too.
          I'm not being ethnocentric, you're being an anal-retentive tumblrina asshat. Grow a sense of humor or gtfo, fgt. I don't got the time to screw around with you.

          • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

            But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
            You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
            I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

            But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

            • Lultron - 9 years ago

              Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

          • Lultron - 9 years ago

            Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

        • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

          But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
          You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
          I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

          But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

          • Lultron - 9 years ago

            Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

      • Lultron - 9 years ago

        Westerners aren't the only ones who wear clothing like that, dipshit.
        Try Asia. Hell, even a lot of places in Africa people wear full-body covering. Indians do too.
        I'm not being ethnocentric, you're being an anal-retentive tumblrina asshat. Grow a sense of humor or gtfo, fgt. I don't got the time to screw around with you.

        • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

          But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
          You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
          I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

          But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

          • Lultron - 9 years ago

            Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

      • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

        But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
        You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
        I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

        But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

      • Lultron - 9 years ago

        Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

    • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

      No actually, its not true. Again, its ethnocentric as fuck,
      You basically just called tribal populations who don't wear Western clothes/clothes of any kind uncivilized. Thats some imperialist bullshit right there. Additionally, you implied that Giorgio Armani and the such like is an exmaple of "civilized", which thus calls the millions of people in Western society who can't afford that shit "uncivilized".
      Who are you to define what is better? People wear what they like and what is appropriate for their environment.

      I am truly disgusted that some one in the year 2015 thinks that what constitutes a civilized society is whether they all wear expensive Western designer clothes.

      • Lultron - 9 years ago

        Westerners aren't the only ones who wear clothing like that, dipshit.
        Try Asia. Hell, even a lot of places in Africa people wear full-body covering. Indians do too.
        I'm not being ethnocentric, you're being an anal-retentive tumblrina asshat. Grow a sense of humor or gtfo, fgt. I don't got the time to screw around with you.

        • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

          But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
          You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
          I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

          But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

          • Lultron - 9 years ago

            Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

      • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

        But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
        You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
        I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

        But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

      • Lultron - 9 years ago

        Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

    • Lultron - 9 years ago

      Westerners aren't the only ones who wear clothing like that, dipshit.
      Try Asia. Hell, even a lot of places in Africa people wear full-body covering. Indians do too.
      I'm not being ethnocentric, you're being an anal-retentive tumblrina asshat. Grow a sense of humor or gtfo, fgt. I don't got the time to screw around with you.

      • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

        But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
        You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
        I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

        But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

      • Lultron - 9 years ago

        Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

    • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

      But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
      You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
      I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

      But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

      • Lultron - 9 years ago

        Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

    • Lultron - 9 years ago

      Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

  • Lultron - 9 years ago

    Hey, it's true, isn't it? Fashion and specialized clothing is a mark of civilization. The better the clothing, the more advanced the society is the rule of thumb. You don't see scientists and doctors walking around in loincloths and animal skins, and you definitely don't see spearhunters on the savannah wearing Giorgio Armani and Rolexes either.

    • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

      No actually, its not true. Again, its ethnocentric as fuck,
      You basically just called tribal populations who don't wear Western clothes/clothes of any kind uncivilized. Thats some imperialist bullshit right there. Additionally, you implied that Giorgio Armani and the such like is an exmaple of "civilized", which thus calls the millions of people in Western society who can't afford that shit "uncivilized".
      Who are you to define what is better? People wear what they like and what is appropriate for their environment.

      I am truly disgusted that some one in the year 2015 thinks that what constitutes a civilized society is whether they all wear expensive Western designer clothes.

      • Lultron - 9 years ago

        Westerners aren't the only ones who wear clothing like that, dipshit.
        Try Asia. Hell, even a lot of places in Africa people wear full-body covering. Indians do too.
        I'm not being ethnocentric, you're being an anal-retentive tumblrina asshat. Grow a sense of humor or gtfo, fgt. I don't got the time to screw around with you.

        • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

          But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
          You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
          I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

          But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

          • Lultron - 9 years ago

            Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

      • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

        But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
        You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
        I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

        But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

      • Lultron - 9 years ago

        Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

    • Lultron - 9 years ago

      Westerners aren't the only ones who wear clothing like that, dipshit.
      Try Asia. Hell, even a lot of places in Africa people wear full-body covering. Indians do too.
      I'm not being ethnocentric, you're being an anal-retentive tumblrina asshat. Grow a sense of humor or gtfo, fgt. I don't got the time to screw around with you.

      • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

        But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
        You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
        I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

        But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

      • Lultron - 9 years ago

        Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

    • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

      But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
      You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
      I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

      But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

      • Lultron - 9 years ago

        Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

    • Lultron - 9 years ago

      Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

  • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

    No actually, its not true. Again, its ethnocentric as fuck,
    You basically just called tribal populations who don't wear Western clothes/clothes of any kind uncivilized. Thats some imperialist bullshit right there. Additionally, you implied that Giorgio Armani and the such like is an exmaple of "civilized", which thus calls the millions of people in Western society who can't afford that shit "uncivilized".
    Who are you to define what is better? People wear what they like and what is appropriate for their environment.

    I am truly disgusted that some one in the year 2015 thinks that what constitutes a civilized society is whether they all wear expensive Western designer clothes.

    • Lultron - 9 years ago

      Westerners aren't the only ones who wear clothing like that, dipshit.
      Try Asia. Hell, even a lot of places in Africa people wear full-body covering. Indians do too.
      I'm not being ethnocentric, you're being an anal-retentive tumblrina asshat. Grow a sense of humor or gtfo, fgt. I don't got the time to screw around with you.

      • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

        But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
        You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
        I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

        But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

        • Lultron - 9 years ago

          Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

      • Lultron - 9 years ago

        Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

    • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

      But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
      You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
      I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

      But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

      • Lultron - 9 years ago

        Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

    • Lultron - 9 years ago

      Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

  • Lultron - 9 years ago

    Westerners aren't the only ones who wear clothing like that, dipshit.
    Try Asia. Hell, even a lot of places in Africa people wear full-body covering. Indians do too.
    I'm not being ethnocentric, you're being an anal-retentive tumblrina asshat. Grow a sense of humor or gtfo, fgt. I don't got the time to screw around with you.

    • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

      But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
      You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
      I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

      But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

      • Lultron - 9 years ago

        Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

    • Lultron - 9 years ago

      Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

  • NinjaCat - 9 years ago

    But you've got the time to be an imperialist twat with a superiority complex.
    You are being the definition of ethnocentric. You are judging the customs of people based on the standards of your own culture, and ranking your society as socially better.
    I didn't learn this from tumblr sweetie, I learned this from my university course in anthropology and sociology.

    But you don't need a university degree to know that calling people's customs uncivilised because they are not the norm for you is disrespectful as all hell.

    • Lultron - 9 years ago

      Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

  • Lultron - 9 years ago

    Yeah, I never said that. I literally said that people in other countries- even in Africa, mind you- wear full or nearly full-body clothing. It doesn't really matter what country or culture it is, or what style it is, clothing is still civilized. You don't see many cultures outside the primitive hunter-gatherer type going nearly buck naked most of the time, do you? Sheesh.

  • Sebbie - 6 years ago

    Hey girls did you know that uh some girls are too dumb to get that girls with bigger boobs don't always notice their top is stretched out, cause they just got out of bed on put on their shirt without thinking about their boobs.

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