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i'll be honest, i've never really understood why everyone always hates on this episode.
i mean sure, it definitely wasn't the best episode, but it seems like everyone always treats it like it was horrible or something, which i believe is just ridiculous.
idk, i just don't get it.

General Yi
General Yi

@Curious cats
To those who wonder why they hate it, it's because the lesson being taught in that episode was to avoid being full of your own self-worth. Rainbow Dash was going around town showing off her skills to the point where it was obnoxious. The reason this episode received such disapproval? Instead of Twilight and Co. going to Rainbow to talk to her about her problem, they precede to one-up her at her own game and crush her spirit in the process.

The lesson taught and the means of correcting the problem contradicted each other.


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