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Vavian "Strongbrush" Free
Vavian "Strongbrush" Free

Somehow I knew Twilight was going to need flying lessons.

Remember the end of season three, where she flew at the camera? I'm guessing she crash-landed into a cart or something after it cut to black.

A Concerned Rifleman
A Concerned Rifleman

You know, I'm not concerned that the characters will see her differently, I'm more worried about the executives. "Princess" has a bit of a…regressive connotation when it comes to character development, and the moment you put a character in that connotation the first response of any hack executive (read: those who have the final say in everything, even against the studio's wishes) is to have the character be molded around that archetype. This is often toxic to the character themselves and makes it hard (but not entirely impossible) for the studio to keep the character in good quality. Unfortunately in this scenario, Hasbro has been playing this princess thing a little too strong (e.g. in the EQG live action video, Twilight is referred to as not the smart one, or the dorky one, but as "The Princess") and we know of the writer's capabilities to write themselves into holes, so I still have my well justified concerns.


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