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Bionicle - Solid platinum Kanohi Ahvokii sells for $15 000

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in reply to Wambamsamman

BIONICLE is one of the most successful and longest lasting LEGO brand series, having "saved" the company in the 1999 through 2001 financial crisis. Taken straight from the LEGO wiki.

There's a reason that'd it saved LEGO. Beacuse people bought it. People loved it. It was fun and creative enough for kids and compelling for teens and adults. It had a rich universe and storyline, developed and liked characters. Each year new waves of sets were created to satifsy the need for something new. It was about heroes, good against evil, that know matter where darkness filled, light would be there.

Argueably though, BIONICLE are the least like LEGO sets out there. But it was new, it was unique, and it filled a generation entertainment that will not be forgotten, even after being discontinued. It was something special.


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