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"Why does everyone hate this show? Give intelligent reasons please, none of that “it sucks its da wurst sho evar” crap."

Gather around boys and girls, as I, your beloved robotic llama/santa clause uncle thing gives a longwinded reason on why I hate this show.

You notice how everyone brings up the whip crack sound effect whenever you utter the word "Johnny Test?" There doesn't seem to be a lot of love for the effect now huh? Well, you could say the reason is due to its overuse. But then again that's what I would say to the majority of the sound effects and music this show had.

First let's talk about the animation and why it's such a pain to look at:

The second season, and later on, is filled with lifeless animation. The movements of the characters looked like they were animated in seperate pieces (limbs, then body, then face) instead of using hand drawn techniques. (which they should try seeing that even modern Flash cartoons are making attempts in mimicking hand drawn animation, like using squash-stretch techniques.) While Dan Vs. seems to be animated with different pieces, the faces and timing of the poses and movements give them life. It really helps that Dan Vs. have a distinct art direction that makes it look unique ( alongside other Flash shows nowadays such as: My Little Pony, Archer, Gorillaz music videos, Rick and Morty and the sadly underrated Motorcity) and looks well in computerized animation.


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