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Dan D'Antonio
Dan D'Antonio

Give a hero speech:

"Giving up is the same as losing. You think I'm going to do that? HA, I have a mon that can match that ones power right on, maybe you're the one that should give up. Yes, I have lost in the past, I can't change that but I know where I went wrong each time and I always take steps to ensure that won't happen again. My whole journey is a mixed bag of wins and loses but not once have I ever quit. You know why? It's because my ponymon always do their best and I will too. Twilight, Scoots, Berwik, Derpy, Chris, every single one of them are doing their best and I WILL NOT SURRENDER! You and Neorma will fall, if not by me than somebody else. Prepare yourself because Neomas reign of terror ends here."

P.S. the mon that can match his mons power is Chris referring to his transform ability.


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