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in reply to Dragirby (Discord & Goat Dad's Waifu)

he looks like pit with black hair but he's NOT he was hades and palutena's illegitimate son and when he was born he was called the most powerful angle EVAR!!!!! he was abandoned becuz palutena tried to hide that she's evul and didn't want people to know their secret love. his pronouns are xix xiz xixelf
he likes super hardcoar punk music like gc and mxpx cutting his wrists doing weed crack and heroine fighting
dislikes are other angles palutena hades viridi people who misgender xiz1 the preppy ass poser kids (like that pussy brendan) when his parents won't give him money to go to hot topic poser ass bands like avril lavigne and christina faguilera
his girlfriends include phosphora and pandora and palutena (even though she's his mom) parthena and medusa.


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