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8chan / 8kun - Migrate towards the Vault∞, guaranteed with an anti-censorship shield!

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in reply to cislo

In reality, the 4chan migration is more like leaving the vault for the first time…like the beginning of Fallout 3.

Everything is fine and safe in /v/ault 4chan. Dad Video Games is cool, the /v/ault is a safe haven from the outside world, etc. Overseer moot keeps everybody safe. Then one day, Dad leaves the vault. He contacted Adam Baldwin and discovered how to clean the water/corrupt journalism of the wasteland with Project #Gamergate. Overseer moot is pissed. He sends his security/janitors to enforce his will, which they do FOR FREE. Alarms are going off in the /v/ault, people/GG threads are getting killed. The only way to regain control is to kill/silence the children of Video Games.

The gamers meet moot before they leave, and he’s completely different from what he was before: no longer the protector of their freedoms, but now the holder of their leash. They dared to speak out of turn. “The door will never open again if you leave!” he shouts. “If you choose #Gamergate over 4chan, you can never come back!”

The door opens, and they walk outside for the first time. This land of 8chan completely different to them. It is mostly barren, but it has room to grow and florish. 8chan is free.

Fast foward a few months down the line for the brief return to /v/ault 4chan, and how everything is in shambles and anarchy.


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