All Entries - Meme - Confirmed Pop Culture Reference Entries
Darth Vader's "I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing"

Darth Vader's "I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing"
Buddy Christ

Buddy Christ
"Bitch I Look Like Goku"

"Bitch I Look Like Goku"
Why So Serious?

Why So Serious?
Welcome to the Salty Spitoon. How Tough Are Ya?

Welcome to the Salty Spitoon. How Tough Are Ya?
White Whale Holy Grail

White Whale Holy Grail
Uncle Sam's "I Want You" Poster

Uncle Sam's "I Want You" Poster
Pick Up That Can

Pick Up That Can
Here's Johnny

Here's Johnny
Where's That Damn Fourth Chaos Emerald?

Where's That Damn Fourth Chaos Emerald?
Donde Esta La Biblioteca / Spanish Rap

Donde Esta La Biblioteca / Spanish Rap
The Answer To Life, The Universe and Everything

The Answer To Life, The Universe and Everything
Press X to Jason

Press X to Jason
Assuming Control

Assuming Control
But Can It Run Crysis?

But Can It Run Crysis?
You Have Died of Dysentery