Antonio Nunes
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Antonio nunes
Antonio Nunes is a battle cry delivered in 2009 in a dirty beach Ceará. Arose from a union between a crazy gringo and a bottle of Ypiroca. It may or may not have relations with the Maori haka rugby players. Is always accompanied by a slap on the thigh, part of the ritual (A slap on the thigh and one in Panther).
Based on rallying cries of the Indians Apaches, the gringo bebaça began clamoring for Antonio Nunes in the middle of the beach in a black magic ritual. The liquor he had drunk.
Looking for a way to communicate with Antonio Nunes, the gringo drunk began calling his name and give hits on her thigh, like a barrel of voodoo. As Antonio Nunes tava not answering the call, the crazy gringo repeated it several times.
DiscoveryThe gringo was doing drunk on a beach somewhere in the Northeast when staff Panic showed up there. Knowing that the "character" sniffer powder Zina was growing grace, the panic began combing the beach. Were lucky to find the gringo drunk and his sentence miraculous. Appropriated the phrase, and slap on the thigh.
What the hell is Anthony NUNES?
According to experts at Wikipedia, Antonio Nunes was a football player known as Lycus and retired in 1984 after two knee surgeries. OK then explained why the Bolivian Evo Morales bebum hit his right leg 154512156432 ¹ times.
Players from New Zealand calling Antonio Nunes
The Guy
Obama calling Antonio Nunes
Fail Antonio Nunes
Antonio Nunes Moment
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