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Dependa, also known as Dependapotamus, is a pejorative referring to the wives of military service people who live off of their spouse's earnings and are typically associated with being lazy and overweight.


On September 14th, 2008, Urban Dictionary[9] user Daemion submitted an entry for "dependapotamus," defined as a "stay at home mom" who looks "remarkably similar to Jabba the Hut" (shown below).

dependapotamus Traditionally a service-members dependent who is a "stay at home mom" that doesn't do a damn thing all day besides sitting on the couch looking remarkably similar to jabba the hut leaching off of military benefits and eating anything that gets too close. "Dude what the hell is that on your couch?" "Thats my wife! "You need to do something with that dependapotamus." #military #dependent #hippo #sloth #large creature #lethargic by Daemion September 14, 2008


In June 2013, the AntiDependa Facebook[10] page was launched, which features an illustration of a "Dependapotumus Version 4.3" as a profile picture (shown below).

, Comlantidependa The Dependapotumus ersion 4.3 2013 8 TOUGHEST SEXUALLY DEPRIVED FOR YOUR FREEDOM

On January 14th, 2014, Urban Dictionary[1] user ricebarbiee submitted an entry for "Dependa," defining it as a person who relies on their military husband for financial support (shown below).

Dependa A person who is married to someone in the service who doesn't just depend on their spouse for financial support, but pretty much relies on them for it. They start out all cute and All-American until after the wedding, then it's like cookies, couch and coach purses. Arguing with other dependas over Facebook all day over who's the bigger dependa. They're generally not educated and have no goals or aspirations in life. They live their lives through their husband's successes and think they rank and are better than "civilians" when they themselves are in face...still civilians You can usually find them at the PX and/or commissary like a herd of cattle during every pay period blowing their spouse's paycheck on oreos, Coach and Michael Kors and then complaining 2 days after "they" got paid that they're broke and need someone to deliver them free diapers for their 6th baby. (also see "dependa-t---", "dependasaurus" and "dependapotomus") -"My husband and Ijust got married last month, what are some websites that give free stuff to military wives?" "Shut up dependa." "Igot married to My Marine, he's going to take care of me now. No more working at Taco Bell for this gir!" #dependapotomus #dependasaurus #t--------- #w---- #skank by ricebarbiee January 14,2014

On March 21st, Redditor nathanpaulyoung submitted a screenshot of a green text story on 4chan about a "Dependapotamus" trying to get into a public pool for free (shown below). Prior to being archived, the post received more than 1,700 (96% upvoted) and 70 comments on /r/4chan.[8] On April 27th, the Dependa as Fuck Facebook[11] page was created.

O Anonymous (ID: Ti9khe/X) 03/19/14(Wed)20:59:25 UTC-5 No.538046339 Replies: 538046761 538046821 538046854 538047302538077143 22538085263 File: 1395280765368.ipg-(58 KB, 510x449, LIFEGUARD.jpg) SPENDS MORE TIME Okay im a lead lifeguard on a military base and part of my job when im not on the stand is to welcome patrons. Active duty and their families are all free and basically everyone else pays $5 per persor. woman and three toddlers stroll on in >"Can I see your military ID mam?" >"Sure" GUAR hands me blue ID sactive duty families have red ID's EATING CHICKEN STRIPS THAN ACTUALLY GUARDING S"okay that'll be $20" >"wat" "its $5 a person four people thats $20" >rage mode activate "I thought this was free whats going on S"its only free for active du "MY HUSBAND IS OUT FIGHTING FOR THIS COUNTRY THIS IS RIDCULOUS" S"mam if he was active duty you would have a red ID" >"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT I DEMAND TO SPEAK TO YOUR BOSS" yadonefuckedup.jpg >well the lead's number is on that board there youre free to call it "OKAY I WILL" calls >my cell rings >"hello?" (lulz) >she puts phone down "what the f--- is wrong with you S"im going to have to ask you to wait mam im on the phone with a customer" picks phone back up "what the f--- is wrong with you S"im sorry mam this is a family pool you cant curse here its rule three on the board to your right S"i cant f------ believe this" S"curse again and ill have to call base police to escort you out" f--- you >call base police >she gets escorted back home can never return >children mortified >lol

On November 2nd, the Dear Dependa Tumblr[3] blog was launched, described as "a page dedicated to stupid shit Dependas say." On April 5th, 2015, Redditor TBCGirl posted a story about the overweight spouse of a military service person titled "Dependa Logic: Taking Candy From a Baby" to /r/fatpeoplestories.[2] On September 19th, Imgur[4] user JazzAxxxelrod submitted a gallery titled "For you troops out there, some funny dependa memes" (shown below).


On October 3rd, 2016, the Military Memes Facebook[5] page posted a photograph of a woman doing pushups in front of a drill instructor with the caption "You said you're a servicemember too / Do work, Dependa!" (shown below, left). Within seven months, the post gained over 1,000 reactions and 140 shares. On November 19th, the Pop Smoke Facebook[6] page posted an Evil Miss Piggy meme joking about the inner monologue of a Dependa (shown below, right). Within six months, the post received more than 9,900 shares, 5,700 reactions and 1,400 comments.

dependa: My husband is a Sgt now inner dependa: *WE* are a Sgt now Pop-Smoke

In March 2017, The Honest Dependa YouTube channel was launched, featuring various military-themed comedy sketches.[7]On May 15th, Salon[12] published an article describing "Dependa" as "an ugly meme" and "sexist stereotype."

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Dependa, also known as Dependapotamus, is a pejorative referring to the wives of military service people who live off of their spouse's earnings and are typically associated with being lazy and overweight.


On September 14th, 2008, Urban Dictionary[9] user Daemion submitted an entry for "dependapotamus," defined as a "stay at home mom" who looks "remarkably similar to Jabba the Hut" (shown below).

dependapotamus Traditionally a service-members dependent who is a "stay at home mom" that doesn't do a damn thing all day besides sitting on the couch looking remarkably similar to jabba the hut leaching off of military benefits and eating anything that gets too close. "Dude what the hell is that on your couch?" "Thats my wife! "You need to do something with that dependapotamus." #military #dependent #hippo #sloth #large creature #lethargic by Daemion September 14, 2008


In June 2013, the AntiDependa Facebook[10] page was launched, which features an illustration of a "Dependapotumus Version 4.3" as a profile picture (shown below).

, Comlantidependa The Dependapotumus ersion 4.3 2013 8 TOUGHEST SEXUALLY DEPRIVED FOR YOUR FREEDOM

On January 14th, 2014, Urban Dictionary[1] user ricebarbiee submitted an entry for "Dependa," defining it as a person who relies on their military husband for financial support (shown below).

Dependa A person who is married to someone in the service who doesn't just depend on their spouse for financial support, but pretty much relies on them for it. They start out all cute and All-American until after the wedding, then it's like cookies, couch and coach purses. Arguing with other dependas over Facebook all day over who's the bigger dependa. They're generally not educated and have no goals or aspirations in life. They live their lives through their husband's successes and think they rank and are better than "civilians" when they themselves are in face...still civilians You can usually find them at the PX and/or commissary like a herd of cattle during every pay period blowing their spouse's paycheck on oreos, Coach and Michael Kors and then complaining 2 days after "they" got paid that they're broke and need someone to deliver them free diapers for their 6th baby. (also see "dependa-t---", "dependasaurus" and "dependapotomus") -"My husband and Ijust got married last month, what are some websites that give free stuff to military wives?" "Shut up dependa." "Igot married to My Marine, he's going to take care of me now. No more working at Taco Bell for this gir!" #dependapotomus #dependasaurus #t--------- #w---- #skank by ricebarbiee January 14,2014

On March 21st, Redditor nathanpaulyoung submitted a screenshot of a green text story on 4chan about a "Dependapotamus" trying to get into a public pool for free (shown below). Prior to being archived, the post received more than 1,700 (96% upvoted) and 70 comments on /r/4chan.[8] On April 27th, the Dependa as Fuck Facebook[11] page was created.

O Anonymous (ID: Ti9khe/X) 03/19/14(Wed)20:59:25 UTC-5 No.538046339 Replies: 538046761 538046821 538046854 538047302538077143 22538085263 File: 1395280765368.ipg-(58 KB, 510x449, LIFEGUARD.jpg) SPENDS MORE TIME Okay im a lead lifeguard on a military base and part of my job when im not on the stand is to welcome patrons. Active duty and their families are all free and basically everyone else pays $5 per persor. woman and three toddlers stroll on in >"Can I see your military ID mam?" >"Sure" GUAR hands me blue ID sactive duty families have red ID's EATING CHICKEN STRIPS THAN ACTUALLY GUARDING S"okay that'll be $20" >"wat" "its $5 a person four people thats $20" >rage mode activate "I thought this was free whats going on S"its only free for active du "MY HUSBAND IS OUT FIGHTING FOR THIS COUNTRY THIS IS RIDCULOUS" S"mam if he was active duty you would have a red ID" >"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT I DEMAND TO SPEAK TO YOUR BOSS" yadonefuckedup.jpg >well the lead's number is on that board there youre free to call it "OKAY I WILL" calls >my cell rings >"hello?" (lulz) >she puts phone down "what the f--- is wrong with you S"im going to have to ask you to wait mam im on the phone with a customer" picks phone back up "what the f--- is wrong with you S"im sorry mam this is a family pool you cant curse here its rule three on the board to your right S"i cant f------ believe this" S"curse again and ill have to call base police to escort you out" f--- you >call base police >she gets escorted back home can never return >children mortified >lol

On November 2nd, the Dear Dependa Tumblr[3] blog was launched, described as "a page dedicated to stupid shit Dependas say." On April 5th, 2015, Redditor TBCGirl posted a story about the overweight spouse of a military service person titled "Dependa Logic: Taking Candy From a Baby" to /r/fatpeoplestories.[2] On September 19th, Imgur[4] user JazzAxxxelrod submitted a gallery titled "For you troops out there, some funny dependa memes" (shown below).


On October 3rd, 2016, the Military Memes Facebook[5] page posted a photograph of a woman doing pushups in front of a drill instructor with the caption "You said you're a servicemember too / Do work, Dependa!" (shown below, left). Within seven months, the post gained over 1,000 reactions and 140 shares. On November 19th, the Pop Smoke Facebook[6] page posted an Evil Miss Piggy meme joking about the inner monologue of a Dependa (shown below, right). Within six months, the post received more than 9,900 shares, 5,700 reactions and 1,400 comments.

●YOU SAID YOU'RE A SERVICEMEMBER TOO DO WORK, DEPENDA! dependa: My husband is a Sgt now inner dependa: *WE* are a Sgt now Pop-Smoke

In March 2017, The Honest Dependa YouTube channel was launched, featuring various military-themed comedy sketches.[7]On May 15th, Salon[12] published an article describing "Dependa" as "an ugly meme" and "sexist stereotype."

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