Military Dependapotamus tries to get into the pool for free | Dependa | Know Your Meme
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4531 Views Created 7 years ago By Don • Updated about a year ago

Created By Don • Updated about a year ago

O Anonymous (ID: Ti9khe/X) 03/19/14(Wed)20:59:25 UTC-5 No.538046339 Replies: 538046761 538046821 538046854 538047302538077143 22538085263 File: 1395280765368.ipg-(58 KB, 510x449, LIFEGUARD.jpg) SPENDS MORE TIME Okay im a lead lifeguard on a military base and part of my job when im not on the stand is to welcome patrons. Active duty and their families are all free and basically everyone else pays $5 per persor. woman and three toddlers stroll on in >"Can I see your military ID mam?" >"Sure" GUAR hands me blue ID sactive duty families have red ID's EATING CHICKEN STRIPS THAN ACTUALLY GUARDING S"okay that'll be $20" >"wat" "its $5 a person four people thats $20" >rage mode activate "I thought this was free whats going on S"its only free for active du "MY HUSBAND IS OUT FIGHTING FOR THIS COUNTRY THIS IS RIDCULOUS" S"mam if he was active duty you would have a red ID" >"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT I DEMAND TO SPEAK TO YOUR BOSS" yadonefuckedup.jpg >well the lead's number is on that board there youre free to call it "OKAY I WILL" calls >my cell rings >"hello?" (lulz) >she puts phone down "what the f--- is wrong with you S"im going to have to ask you to wait mam im on the phone with a customer" picks phone back up "what the f--- is wrong with you S"im sorry mam this is a family pool you cant curse here its rule three on the board to your right S"i cant f------ believe this" S"curse again and ill have to call base police to escort you out" f--- you >call base police >she gets escorted back home can never return >children mortified >lol
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