Shuaiby Livestream Suicide
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Shuaiby's Livestream Suicide refers to a livestreamed video in which a young man identified by the online handle Shuaiby appears to commit suicide by shooting himself with a shotgun. In mid-March 2018, the video became a subject of controversy on Reddit after it began circulating within various communities on the social media platform.
On March 14th, 2018, YouTuber Shauiby published a livestream in which a man wearing a bandana over his face holds a piece of paper with the words "Bye /r9k/" up to the camera before shooting himself in the head with a shotgun, followed by a woman discovering his body. The video was promptly removed from YouTube.[1]
Online Reaction
On March 14th, an anonymous 4chan user submitted a thread to the /r9k/" board titled "4channer suicide," which claimed to be a friend of Shuaiby.[2] In the post, the author described their relationship with Shuaiby in green text, speculating that a strained relationship with his mother led to the suicide (shown below).
![I want to clear up some rumors about the Shuaiby suicide... 4channer Suicide Anonymous Thu 15 Mar 2018 11:50:08 No.43858201 View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >43858431 > 43858459 >>43858469 >43858520 >43858522 >>43858608 >43858623 >43858663 >43858673 >>43858723 >>43858725 >>43858729 >>43858730>>43858832 >>43858915 >>43858917 >>43858925 >>43858953 >>43858980 >>43858986 >>43859001 >>43859086 >>43859098 >>43859133 >>43859187 >>43859215 >>43859295 >>43859347 >>43859379 >>43859496 >>43859711 >>43859778 >>43859821 >>43859875 >>43859938 >>43859963 >>43859990 >>43860132 >>43860277 >>43860305 >>43860411 >>43860428 >>43860477 >>43860511 >>43860828 >>43861192 >>43861224 >>43861552 >>43861850 [802/127] want to clear up some rumors about the Shuaiby suicide. I was his friend. Here is some backstory. become friends with an anon from here a month ago genuinely awesome guy to talk to, loved him so much had lots of fun staying up late discussing weeb things and whatnot group of friends constantly trying to help him through whatever he was going through goes through something with his mother we try to convince him that his parents care for him and that he should trust them It seems like he is doing ok for the most part one day, it really starts to bother him 186KiB, 335x265, rip.png View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO >sets up livestream and sends it to us >he does his thing, despite us trying to get him to not do it fast forward several hours people find the stream spread all over the internet within a matter of hours >people start making up many rumors about him, memeing him to s--- I can confirm that almost every single rumor that is being said about him is untrue. No, that was not his ex. Her name was not cat. It wasn't on skype. His mother was not the one crying. It's not fake. /r9k/ did not drive him to suicide There are only a select few people who were actually there, and none of them are going to post in this thread. We have lost a friend, a brother Rest in peace, Shuaiby. You will always be loved](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/351/812/f3b.png)
The following day, a thread about the suicide was submitted to the Kiwi Farms[9] forum. Also on March 15th, a post titled "RIP u/Shuaiby who committed suicide on YouTube Live" was submitted to /r/DeadRedditors.[8] On March 16th, a 4chan user submitted a thread to the /pol/ board speculating that the suicide video was linked to a 4chan outage.[5]
News Media Coverage
On March 14th, the blog News Media Watchdog[4] published an article titled "Man Reportedly Commits Suicide on a YouTube Livestream." On March 15th, the Vice tech blog Motherboard[3] published an article titled "A Video of What Appears to Be a Man Shooting Himself Has Been Up on Reddit for 9 Hours." That day, the news site Fast Company[6] published a similar article titled "A grisly “suicide” video was removed from Reddit. Except it wasn’t."
Search Interest
External References
[1] YouTube – removed video
[2] Desuarchive – 4channer suicide
[3] Motherboard – A Video of What Appears to Be a Man Shooting Himself Has Been Up on Reddit for 9 Hours
[4] News Media Watchdog – Man Reportedly Commits Suicide on a YouTube Livestream
[6] Fast Company – A grisly suicide video
[7] Reddit – /u/Shuaiby
[8] Reddit – RIP u/Shuaiby
[9] Kiwi Farms – /r9k/ user livestreams shotgun suicide on youtube
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Mar 20, 2018 at 01:23PM EDT
Mar 20, 2018 at 01:25PM EDT