Hamboning Will Save Your Life Someday
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Hamboning comes from the Cartoon Network show called Regular Show. In the show's first episode, titled "The Power", hyperactive raccoon Rigby suggests hamboning to his friend Mordecai as a way to convince their boss to give them raises so they can fix a hole in the wall. Hamboning refers to the art of slapping one's own body rhythmically.
Rigby says, among other things, "Hamboning will save your life someday!" This is actually foreshadowing to a scene later in the episode in which Rigby saves the lives of his co-workers by hamboning a raging moon monster.
"Hamboning will save your life someday", "Hamboning will save your life", or just "Hamboning" have become a popular quotes associated with Regular Show, and often come up in forum discussions of the show.
During a Q&A panel involving show creator J.G. Quintel, a Regular Show fan asked him "Where did hamboning come from and how did it save your life?" which may suggest meme status as Rigby explains in the show that hamboning may be used to fend off muggers.
Also, Regular Show-related hamboning videos have been appearing on YouTube.
The videos evolved into 10-minute loops of hamboning as well as hamboning set to music.
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