Milhouse Is A Meme If He Is A Pony
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"Milhouse Is Not A Meme" has been a meme for quite some time, gaining fame around popular sites around the internet. Although many people wanted classic Milhouse to be a meme in and of himself, he was not able to be accepted by and large as a meme. In the end, the fact the Milhouse Is Not A Meme became a stand alone meme.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has recently gained mega-popularity around the world, especially on popular image boards. The mix of My Little Pony and other memes was inevitable. The statement that Milhouse is a meme is contingent on whether or not he is a pony.
There is wide debate on whether or not a Pony related Milhouse is a meme, or if it is based on a Milhouse related pony. These may sound similar, but due to inheritance, they mean different things. For instance, if a Milhouse related pony is a meme, then Milhouse is not a meme, the pony is, and Milhouse exists in the glorified shadow of the pony. If it is a pony related Milhouse, then Milhouse is a meme, and it is based on the sole condition that he is displayed or portrayed in some fashion as a pony (IE A subsidiary of Milhouse must be ponyfied at the same time Milhouse is considered a meme). Fortunately, just as Milhouse Is Not A Meme became a meme, so has the debate over whether or not Milhouse is a meme if he is a pony.
This is summarized best in the quotation (by user Zero Divided): If Ponies are a meme and Milhouse is not, then what is a Milhouse Pony? It depends on how the traits are inherited – and by default, unless it is irrevocably dictated otherwise, Milhouse is the 'parent' and Pony is the 'child', leaving Milhouse a meme if he is a pony.
Additional Uses
There have been a couple of times where Milhouse has been edited into a crossover of a Milhouse having another trait. For instance, Slowpoke/Pikachu with a Milhouse face. All occasions where Milhouse takes on traits and is portrayed in some fashion as not being a classic or 'normal' Milhouse means Milhouse is a meme if he meets these conditions.
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