Occupy Wall Street - Images

Occupy Wall Street
I co-founded Occupy Wall Street. Now I'm headed to Davos. Why?
Occupy Wall Street
Fuck Capitalism

Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street
Seeing Eye to Eye

Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street
Occupy New New York

Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street
![S17-Resistance Corporate 26. Chase Branch 13. Federal Reserve 33 Liberty St C3 14. Citibank Branch 55 Water St. E4] SEE MAP ON P. 12) Ches 1. Fidelity Investments 7AM ASSEMBLE AT CONVERGENCE POINTS Liberty Plaza, Ferry Terminal, 55 Water Street, South St. Seaport roadway 100 William St. C3) 2. Chase Branch 80 Broadway 7:30AM ACTION: THE PEOPLE'S WALL & 99 REVOLUTIONS The People's Wall will be a nonviolent, sitting civil disobedience, We will form a peaceful sitting wall to deliver a clear message: The 99% will no longer stand for business as usual. Simultaneously in the space opened by the People's Wall, 99 Revolutions-multiple groups of individuals performing autonomous actions-will mass at a random array of intersections and begin roving demonstrations of the abundance and possibility of a world without Wall Street. These will be joyous and educational, opening up a sense of what is possible. The 99 Revolutions will swirl around the entire financial district, saturating the area with an unavoidable sense that change is in not just in the air, it's in our hands 28. JPMorgan Chase 1 New York Plaza (E3] 15. HSBC Branch 110 William St. (C3) 3. Bank of New York Mellon 1 Wall Street [D2) 29. Jane Street Capital 1New York Plaza (F3) 16. Chartis Insurance 175 Wall St. [C4] 4. TD Ameritrade 100 Broadway (D2] 120 Broadway (D2] 17. Chase Branch 155 Water St. (C4) 31. Partnership for 18. AIG (offices] 10AM STORM WALL STREET Bowling Green When it comes to the environmental crisis all roads lead to Wall Street. Every day, the big banks invest in fossil fuels and borrow against our future. Rising sea levels and surging debt will soon land us underwater! We'll gather to call for an end to the corporate occupation of the planet and demonstrate that a just and sustainable world is possible. As the 99% circle New York's first public park, our groundswell will become a 180 Maiden Lane D4] 1 Battery Place [F3] 32. US Bankrupcy 1 Bowling Green [E2) 33. Metropolitan 19. Wall Street Plaza 6. HSBC Branch 120 Broadway (C2) QBE Insurancel Pine St. (D4) 20. AIG (HQl People's Hurricane-a storm to remind the 1% of their growing debts to Mother Earth. 7. Wells Fargo Advisors 1 Liberty Plaza (C2] Transportation Agency 11AM SPOKESCOUNCIL Ferry Terminal 12PM-5PM OCCUPY TOWN SQUARE OPEN SPACE Foley Square roa 8.Bank of America 150 Broadway (C2) 9. Capal One Bank 174 Broadway (C2) 21. Chase Branch Il St. (D3] 22. Deutsche Bank US HQ 60 Wall St. 34. Bank of America Branch 12PM-1PM THE 99% RETURNS TO WALL STREET Liberty Plaza assembly by organizational allies] On the first anniversary of our movement, we ask you to join us at 6pm on September 17th at Liberty Square to show the 99% stands united against this corrupt system. Union workers, union leadership, economics experts and occupiers will come together and let our voices be heard once more E2) roa 35. NYC Corrections Department 17 Battery PL. (E2] 23. TD Ameritrade 10. Chase Branch 222 Broadway (B2] 6PM 8PM THE POPULAR ASSEMBLY Foley Square The intention of this assembly is to provide the People with a non- oppressive, non-hierarchical and non-confrontational space to discuss issues and projects relevant to envisioning a better world 99 Wall St. D4 36. Ritz-Carlton Hotel 11. Brown Brothers Harriman 140 Broadway (C2) 24. Citibank Offices & Branch 111 Wall St. [D4) 25. Emblem Health 77 Water This Popular Assembly is not a call to re-occupy. This will be a safe space to practice public dissent, and will not be a confrontation with the state This is will be the first in a series of weekly Popular Assemblies 12. Chase Manhattan Plaza 8PM MARCH TO LIBERTY SQUARE](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/401/655/01a.png)
![S17-Resistance Corporate 26. Chase Branch 13. Federal Reserve 33 Liberty St C3 14. Citibank Branch 55 Water St. E4] SEE MAP ON P. 12) Ches 1. Fidelity Investments 7AM ASSEMBLE AT CONVERGENCE POINTS Liberty Plaza, Ferry Terminal, 55 Water Street, South St. Seaport roadway 100 William St. C3) 2. Chase Branch 80 Broadway 7:30AM ACTION: THE PEOPLE'S WALL & 99 REVOLUTIONS The People's Wall will be a nonviolent, sitting civil disobedience, We will form a peaceful sitting wall to deliver a clear message: The 99% will no longer stand for business as usual. Simultaneously in the space opened by the People's Wall, 99 Revolutions-multiple groups of individuals performing autonomous actions-will mass at a random array of intersections and begin roving demonstrations of the abundance and possibility of a world without Wall Street. These will be joyous and educational, opening up a sense of what is possible. The 99 Revolutions will swirl around the entire financial district, saturating the area with an unavoidable sense that change is in not just in the air, it's in our hands 28. JPMorgan Chase 1 New York Plaza (E3] 15. HSBC Branch 110 William St. (C3) 3. Bank of New York Mellon 1 Wall Street [D2) 29. Jane Street Capital 1New York Plaza (F3) 16. Chartis Insurance 175 Wall St. [C4] 4. TD Ameritrade 100 Broadway (D2] 120 Broadway (D2] 17. Chase Branch 155 Water St. (C4) 31. Partnership for 18. AIG (offices] 10AM STORM WALL STREET Bowling Green When it comes to the environmental crisis all roads lead to Wall Street. Every day, the big banks invest in fossil fuels and borrow against our future. Rising sea levels and surging debt will soon land us underwater! We'll gather to call for an end to the corporate occupation of the planet and demonstrate that a just and sustainable world is possible. As the 99% circle New York's first public park, our groundswell will become a 180 Maiden Lane D4] 1 Battery Place [F3] 32. US Bankrupcy 1 Bowling Green [E2) 33. Metropolitan 19. Wall Street Plaza 6. HSBC Branch 120 Broadway (C2) QBE Insurancel Pine St. (D4) 20. AIG (HQl People's Hurricane-a storm to remind the 1% of their growing debts to Mother Earth. 7. Wells Fargo Advisors 1 Liberty Plaza (C2] Transportation Agency 11AM SPOKESCOUNCIL Ferry Terminal 12PM-5PM OCCUPY TOWN SQUARE OPEN SPACE Foley Square roa 8.Bank of America 150 Broadway (C2) 9. Capal One Bank 174 Broadway (C2) 21. Chase Branch Il St. (D3] 22. Deutsche Bank US HQ 60 Wall St. 34. Bank of America Branch 12PM-1PM THE 99% RETURNS TO WALL STREET Liberty Plaza assembly by organizational allies] On the first anniversary of our movement, we ask you to join us at 6pm on September 17th at Liberty Square to show the 99% stands united against this corrupt system. Union workers, union leadership, economics experts and occupiers will come together and let our voices be heard once more E2) roa 35. NYC Corrections Department 17 Battery PL. (E2] 23. TD Ameritrade 10. Chase Branch 222 Broadway (B2] 6PM 8PM THE POPULAR ASSEMBLY Foley Square The intention of this assembly is to provide the People with a non- oppressive, non-hierarchical and non-confrontational space to discuss issues and projects relevant to envisioning a better world 99 Wall St. D4 36. Ritz-Carlton Hotel 11. Brown Brothers Harriman 140 Broadway (C2) 24. Citibank Offices & Branch 111 Wall St. [D4) 25. Emblem Health 77 Water This Popular Assembly is not a call to re-occupy. This will be a safe space to practice public dissent, and will not be a confrontation with the state This is will be the first in a series of weekly Popular Assemblies 12. Chase Manhattan Plaza 8PM MARCH TO LIBERTY SQUARE](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/401/655/01a.png)
Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street