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This video, which was upload by a Youtube user by the name of "The Channing Show" shows a little girl introducing a "Stuffed Animal Show", only to be nailed by a falling closet door. After she screams and plummets to the ground, she rushes to turn off the camera as someone comes knocking on her door.
This is the video description given by the user.
"So here's the story….Awhile ago I started making videos for TheChanningShow. I wanted to do a "Stuffed Animal Dog show" and see how many other people did one as a video response (Was for my school). The first time I tried to record it this happened…. So then I made the video again and it turned out good. I asked my brother to put the good one up on youtube for me (cuz I don't know how). When he saw this video on my camera he thought it was funny so he put it on youtube instead…
So.. That's the story… It's okay, you can laugh. I guess it is pretty funny."

Her brother is a prominent Youtube User, by the name of 0mgitsjosh.

The video is prominent and notable because it is simply funny. But not only that, humor comes from something that people usually wouldn't find too funny; a little girl talking about a stuffed animal show. And as the door starts falling, the viewer of this video switches from thinking "Why the heck is X showing me this video" to pure "LOL".

This video has spawned a plethora of remixes. The most notable of the remixes is the Pedobear remix, which is significant because it is paired up with a meme.

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The Channing show/Closet door fail

The Channing show/Closet door fail

Updated Sep 03, 2010 at 01:54PM EDT by SangOne.

Added Sep 02, 2010 at 09:15PM EDT by SangOne.

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This video, which was upload by a Youtube user by the name of "The Channing Show" shows a little girl introducing a "Stuffed Animal Show", only to be nailed by a falling closet door. After she screams and plummets to the ground, she rushes to turn off the camera as someone comes knocking on her door.
This is the video description given by the user.
"So here's the story….Awhile ago I started making videos for TheChanningShow. I wanted to do a "Stuffed Animal Dog show" and see how many other people did one as a video response (Was for my school). The first time I tried to record it this happened…. So then I made the video again and it turned out good. I asked my brother to put the good one up on youtube for me (cuz I don't know how). When he saw this video on my camera he thought it was funny so he put it on youtube instead…
So.. That's the story… It's okay, you can laugh. I guess it is pretty funny."

Her brother is a prominent Youtube User, by the name of 0mgitsjosh.

The video is prominent and notable because it is simply funny. But not only that, humor comes from something that people usually wouldn't find too funny; a little girl talking about a stuffed animal show. And as the door starts falling, the viewer of this video switches from thinking "Why the heck is X showing me this video" to pure "LOL".

This video has spawned a plethora of remixes. The most notable of the remixes is the Pedobear remix, which is significant because it is paired up with a meme.

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