The Patronizing Blue Wink
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The Patronizing Blue Wink is a picture of an enlarged blue wink captioned to be saying something patronizing.
On the Ben Olding Games Forum, a .gif of a blue wink was used extensively when saying something condescending, rather than its intended purpose. Its use began to reach plague proportions, when the user named SU-27SK Flanker placed the following message in his signature, "STOP THE USE OF THE PATTRONIZING BLUE WINK!!!"
On the 10th of May 2009, a larger version of this .gif was created.
The Patronizing Blue Wink
This image was later used to be used in many of the captioned pictures.
The Patronizing Blue Wink is pictured with a speech bubble saying something patronizing, humorous, or insulting to a troll or flamer. This allows the user to stay aloof while the wink fights the battle for them.
The First
Home Planet
Alternate Reality
Useless Arguments
Mistrust of Noobs
Chances of Winning this Argument
Undeniable Logic
Tattered Reputation
Abysmal Spelling
Over 9000
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Patronizing Reverse
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Patronizing Yu-Gi-Oh
Trollface Blue Wink
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