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"This Is Not a Pipe" Parodies

Added 7 years ago by Adam • Updated 5 months ago by Autumn Able
Added 7 years ago by Adam • Updated 5 months ago by Autumn Able

"This Is Not a Pipe" Parodies
"This Is Not a Pipe" Parodies

Category: Meme Status: confirmed Year: 1928 Origin: René Magritte Region:
Type: Parody
Tags: art parodies


"This Is Not a Pipe" Parodies are a series of images parodying René Magritte's La trahison des images ("The Treachery of Images"), a famous painting in which Magritte drew an image of a tobacco pipe and captioned it "Ceci n'est pas une pipe," which translates to "This is Not a Pipe."


In 1928, Magritte began working on "The Treachery of Images."[1] The painting became famous for its meta message, making the viewer aware that what it is seeing depicted in art is merely a representation of the thing itself. In a Magritte biography by Harry Torczyner, Magritte is quoted as saying:

The famous pipe. How people reproached me for it! And yet, could you stuff my pipe? No, it's just a representation, is it not? So if I had written on my picture 'This is a pipe', I'd have been lying!

Ceci nest nas une pine magitte


The famousness of the painting and its relevance to visual art made it ripe for parody in the following decades. TV Tropes[2] hosts a collection of variations on the image's text in popular TV, Film, and Web media. For example, to demonstrate the trope, they present a picture of a single-frame comic drawn by Dan Piraro in 1997 (shown below).


Magritte's painting became a popular reference with the dawn of internet memes, appearing in early memes such Advice Animals and Rage Comics in the late 2000s (examples shown below).

Chib ib mot a tran THIS IS NOT AMEME YOU THAT THIS IS NOT PIPE memegenerator.n

The painting proved adaptable to many meme templates over the coming years. In 2014, Pipesmagazine forum poster misterlowercase[3] posted a large compilation of various "This Is Not a Pipe" variations. The phrase has also been adapted to memes including Pepe, Bitch I Might Be, and Actually it's about ethics in gaming journalism (shown below).

Ceci nest nas une pnere Bítch 1 miaht be. magrite En fait, c'est sur léthique dans le journalisme de videogames magita

Various Examples

Leci n'est as une pie Ceci n est nas une pee CAL eci mist pas une pipe. Ceci n'est pas une nomme Ceci est une pine mola Geci nest pas une meme eCz nest as une nerie

Search Interest

External References

[1] Wikipedia – The Treachery of Images

[2] TV Tropes – The Treachery of Images

[3] Pipesmagazine – The Treachery of Images

Comments ( 9 )

  • Adam DeLand - 7 years ago

    Well what did you expect from the artist who's self portrait had an apple over his face.

    • Penny - 7 years ago

      You don't understand art!

  • autoreloader - 7 years ago

    This one's been my favorite for quite a while.

    The Treachery of Images by jollyjack on DeviantArt

  • MahWaht - 7 years ago

    And here's the obligatory edit featuring meme man:

  • Penny - 7 years ago

    You don't understand art!

  • usename_546 - 4 years ago

    How tf is it not a pipe?

    • Krazy Kricketune - 4 years ago

      its an image of a pipe it was ment to show something about how the human mind works or something.

    • Daretobestupid - 4 years ago

      It's not a pipe, it's just a picture of a pipe.

      • Brother Ezeekiel - 4 years ago

        And it's not even the real painting, it is only a digital file which serves to make computer moniters to create coloured lights which when combined can be interpreted has an image, which itself, is a virtual redistribution of a famous surrealist painting which dipicts a visual representation of our understanding of what a smoking pipe is.

    • Brother Ezeekiel - 4 years ago

      And it's not even the real painting, it is only a digital file which serves to make computer moniters to create coloured lights which when combined can be interpreted has an image, which itself, is a virtual redistribution of a famous surrealist painting which dipicts a visual representation of our understanding of what a smoking pipe is.

  • Krazy Kricketune - 4 years ago

    its an image of a pipe it was ment to show something about how the human mind works or something.

  • Daretobestupid - 4 years ago

    It's not a pipe, it's just a picture of a pipe.

    • Brother Ezeekiel - 4 years ago

      And it's not even the real painting, it is only a digital file which serves to make computer moniters to create coloured lights which when combined can be interpreted has an image, which itself, is a virtual redistribution of a famous surrealist painting which dipicts a visual representation of our understanding of what a smoking pipe is.

  • Brother Ezeekiel - 4 years ago

    And it's not even the real painting, it is only a digital file which serves to make computer moniters to create coloured lights which when combined can be interpreted has an image, which itself, is a virtual redistribution of a famous surrealist painting which dipicts a visual representation of our understanding of what a smoking pipe is.

  • The Math Hatter - 4 years ago

    I'm all for literal surrealist memes to arise.

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