

Updated May 11, 2011 at 04:01PM EDT by Doc.

Added May 08, 2011 at 02:30AM EDT by Sam Taylor.

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In February of 2006, on the Toon Zone forums, a discussion on Japan's list of top anime was started. As the conversation went on for a page and a half, user HG Revolution posted the following quote in regards to a post by whyiscrowdpurpl (Username now Kaoru) complaining about how Lord of the Rings fans react to criticism

"Perhaps because LotR reinvented modern fantasy and One Piece, Dragonball, etc. probably wouldn't exist without it."

This is when whyiscrowdpurpl started his idiodicy:

"LOL that's the dumbest thing I heard. Dragonball is much older then your LotR and it didn't innovate an ything as books and videogames like that (Heroes of Might and Magic) have existed long before. Also stories with rings being the key to the plot have been around, especially in quite a few 90's action shows. Also none of the characters tyhere are creative either because they're just pasted from Dungeons and Dragons concept and given some stereotypical personalities. Another thing is what the hell does LotR have to do with Onepiece and Dragonball?"

According to whyiscrowdpurpl, LotR came after Dragonball. The LotR books were first started with "The Hobbit" which was released in 1937 when the Dragonball manga first was printed in 1984, a 47 year gap.

Now a post down, user Fresh V posted "…You do know that the LotR novels have been around far longer than Dragon Ball, right?" A statement which is proven true. whyiscrowdpurpl tried to defend his derpdom by writing a post about how LotR only recently got popular with the movies. But according to Wikipedia, the LotR books are some of the best selling of all time.

At this point, the conversation became nothing but about LotR, not the list that the topic started on. A user took a screencap of his posts and has posted them all around the internet. The image shows his original screenname and even his signature that proves that he is a weeabo. It simply bashes American animation while saying Japanese animation is superior (Arguments go both ways on this topic).

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