
20 Of Gen Z's Best Memes From Reddit's 'Dank Memes'

Two images from the following collection.
Two images from the following collection.

Published April 08, 2023

Published April 08, 2023

Dank memes are the place where humor meets…well, dankness. The infamous subreddit /r/dankmemes is dedicated to the art of memes, but not just any memes. Only the dankest of the dank make it through the hallowed halls of this online community. If you're not sure what "dank" means, then you're not alone. According to the Urban Dictionary, "dank" is "an expression frequently used by stoners and hippies for something of high quality." But for the rest of us, it's just a way of saying "awesome" or "cool."

So, what makes a meme "dank?" Well, it's all about the humor. But not just any old joke will do. It has to be edgy, offensive, and downright bizarre. And if it's a meme that's been reposted a million times, then it's even better. After all, if it's still funny after a thousand views, then it must be dank, right? So, whether you're a seasoned meme veteran or a newcomer to the world of dankness, this article is the place to be. Just be sure to bring your sense of humor and a thick skin, because things can get pretty wild in there. So presenting to you some of the best hand-picked memes from Reddit's /r/dankmemes.

Yes please.

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Good one, Elon.

(Source: Reddit)

Apple being apple.

(Source: Reddit)

Patience master.

(Source: Reddit)

Take notes.

(Source: Reddit)

Dads miss the pets the most.

(Source: Reddit)

They're the ones hating the idea of pets but loving and missing them the most.

This isn't fair.

(Source: Reddit)

The weirdest.

(Source: Reddit)

Mayo lover.

(Source: Reddit)

Anddd it's real.

(Source: Reddit)

Master's degree.

(Source: Reddit)

This dude is a legend for posting everyday till he passes.


(Source: Reddit)

To where?

(Source: Reddit)

They just can't contain their desires even after chanting "I'm sigma" 24 times an hour.

Technology has gone too far.

(Source: Reddit)

Pets taste funny.

(Source: Reddit)

Just like you waited for this article to load.

(Source: Reddit)

Cheaper cars.

(Source: Reddit)

Draw a chad in 10mins.

(Source: Reddit)

Someone had to do it.

(Source: Reddit)

Someone had to take the bullet. Even though they've lost some internet points they sure gained a lot of respect.

Tags: memes, reddit, dankest, dank memes, meme, twitter, tumblr, edgy memes, real, funny, collections,