25 Awful Memes You Might Find On Your Weird Uncle's Facebook Page

The following images are beyond cursed, they're cursed Boomer images. Images posted by some of the most technologically illiterate Baby Boomers the world has to offer, or more specifically, just what Facebook has to offer. Facebook somehow houses the most disturbing imagery from Boomers who can't seem to take a joke, while also dishing out insults at as many people as they possibly can, despite having a complete misunderstanding of the modern struggles the younger generations are facing.
These memes (and things that look like memes but definitely aren't memes) share some of the most unhinged takes or oblivious jokes you can imagine. Facebook Boomers have only a couple jokes to work with: hating on their wives, hating on the younger generation and hating on modern technology. All of them make equally terrible memes, plus the few flat Earth memes someone posted alongside them with complete sincerity. Take a good, long look at what's currently clogging up your blocked uncle's Facebook page.