25 Cringeworthy Facebook Memes That Will Make Your Skin Crawl

We're all fully aware of the horrible state of Facebook memes, and we've all had a weird uncle or aunt who can't stop posting incredibly controversial memes about how this generation is lost and theirs was the last good one. The list goes on about all the things that your weird family member would complain about, and Facebook will always be the source of the best memes to describe their flawed view of the world.
Reddit's /r/terriblefacebookmemes collects all of the horrible memes that your extended family would post on Facebook and puts them all in one place. These memes range from claims that Global Warming isn't real to cartoons mocking the "woke liberal agenda." This collection contains some of the best memes from the past month for your entertainment. So put on your MAGA hat and get yourself a beer or two, because it's time to fully immerse yourself in the weird world of terrible Facebook memes.