
25 Images That Prove Our World Is A Dystopia

Two images from r/aboringdystopia
Two images from r/aboringdystopia

Published December 15, 2023

Published December 15, 2023

Everyone knows what a dystopian society is supposed to look like. They are seen very often in books and films. Generally, they are a world that has been met with mass destruction following some kind of brutal event, like a war or battle. Dystopian societies can also look like places where their politics and ruling have taken a very intense and negative turn, and the way of life is beyond imaginable. Arguably though, the world that everyone lives on and knows today is also a sort of dystopia. A boring one, but a strange one nonetheless. With the prices of everything being sky high, housing being scarce, and the insane advancements of technology enabling bots to resemble people, it is a strange time to be alive.

Reddit's community /r/ABoringDystopia shows images from places all around the world that are just a little off. They may seem normal these days but when seen from a distance with a critical view, it is honestly quite strange. Here are 25 images showcasing this world as the weird place it is.

Chocolate Being Advertised as "Slave-Free"

(Source: Reddit)

The Joy of Not Being Sold Anything

(Source: Reddit)

Even the Toothpaste

(Source: Reddit)

Amazon Offices in a Prison

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Stop Trying to Be Happy

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Oh No

(Source: Reddit)

This Fake View

(Source: Reddit)

Having to Fundraise for Medical Procedures

(Source: Reddit)

Argentina Elects an "Anarchy-Capitalist" for President

(Source: Reddit)

The Way Nature Intended It to Be?

(Source: Reddit)

Army Booth at Anime Convention

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Worry, Just Spend

(Source: Reddit)

Shirts Behind Glass

(Source: Reddit)

EMS Subscription

(Source: Reddit)

What a Deal

(Source: Reddit)

Just Wait, My Car Is Updating

(Source: Reddit)

Rows on Rows

(Source: Reddit)

No Way

(Source: Reddit)

Oh Finally

(Source: Reddit)

High Security

(Source: Reddit)

Collect All the Vapes

(Source: Reddit)

Urinal with Ads

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: a boring dystopia, society, food, advertisement, america, politics, argentina, environment, anime, convention, shopping, capitalism, walmart, healthcare, ads, amazon, robots, canada, calgary, subway, ai, housing, rent, vaping, collections,