26 Factual History Memes To Show How Weird The Past Was
Stepping into a time machine and traveling back to a past era, one of the best items to pack would probably be a phone with a camera roll full of saved history memes. Showing an inhabitant of the Byzantine capital of Constantinople a meme depicting his imperial home as a place full of based Wojaks would probably endear you to these ancient humans and ensure you a place at court. There, you could tell them all about the marvels that the modern world has created, everything from Reddit to antibiotics.
Either that or the ancient people would interpret your meme-sharing as a form of devilish spell casting and execute you as a heretic on those grounds. It's always difficult for humor to translate, and it's likely that history memes would not work back in historical times. These history memes are for us, today, to understand the people of the past. No matter how epic or GigaChad your posting is, an ancient inhabitant of Byzantium would likely not vibe with it.