28 History Memes For The 4th Of July

Prepping for that barbecue? Putting it off until later? With history memes, you can act like you're doing something productive while you're really slacking off. We're not here to judge. You've been working hard. It's okay to have a break once in a while to let your brain cells do absolutely nothing. And with the images below, you won't have to think much, but since they're about history, you can technically still claim you're learning.
These past few years, history memes have been a great reminder that things get weirder. Ever since humanity evolved past our monkey stage and figured out how to use the internet, we've all become amateur historians. You've read this far, so I'm guessing you know deep down that studying isn't going to happen, so go ahead and take a look at 28 of our favorite new memes from history fans.