
10 Of The Best Memes And Reactions To The New 'Super Mario Movie' Trailer

Two _Super Mario Movie_ tweets in the following collection.
Two _Super Mario Movie_ tweets in the following collection.

Published November 30, 2022

Published November 30, 2022

The second trailer for the Super Mario Movie has just been released, and people certainly have some things to say about it already. After the first trailer, a lot of the attention was on Chris Pratt's Mario voice, and now that we've heard more of it, it's unsurprisingly a big topic of conversation yet again. The first trailer left some of it to our imagination, but now, we've heard more of it, and many people aren't exactly impressed.

There's more than just Mario's voice in the trailer, though. We also got some great shots of Donkey Kong and his rear end, which is fortunately not as flat as Mario's. Peach also has a major role in the film, which differs slightly from the part she typically plays (usually a hostage) in the popular games). Many people are reacting to the trailer and these many differing elements, and we've gathered some of the best responses to the new movie for you to enjoy.

So Glad They Kept It

(Source: Twitter)

Finally, Mario's flat butt has been somewhat redeemed through Donkey Kong remaining perfectly intact.

It's About Time

(Source: Twitter)

Peach never really had a great role before, since she was always being abducted.

Double Standard

They're Doing a Great Job At It Though

(Source: Twitter)

Explains the Voice

Why Does It Sound So Much Better?

This isn't fair.

All That Practice for Nothing

(Source: Twitter)

They could have picked pretty much anyone to voice Mario. Maybe even a real Italian plumber.

Meow Meow Man?

(Source: Twitter)

Not sure this is exactly what fans pictured, but hey, it seems like it's working.

No Recovering From This

I Can't Believe They Let This Happen

(Source: Twitter)

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Tags: super mario bros, mario movie, super mario, super mario movie, mario, chris pratt mario, chriss pratt voice, twitter, funny, mario trailer, movies, collections,