
10 People Trying (And Failing) To Look Tough On The Internet

Two people failing to look tough.
Two people failing to look tough.

Published 5 years ago

Published 5 years ago

While the following posts are absolutely cringeworthy, we can't help but admit how entertaining it is to see people trying really hard to look very tough on the internet. Have you ever seen someone brag about their physical skills online? Of course you have, but we doubt they were anywhere near as uncomfortable as these people. Apparently, this is such a common thing that the subreddit /r/IAmVeryBad** exists, and every day there's a new online idiot for us to cringe at.

The 15 failures below are for your enjoyment, but please make sure to never drink White Claws near any of these people. According to them, that's a death wish. I mean, we're pretty sure anyone could take these guys in a fight in real life, but it would just be super embarrassing, honestly. Here are some truly cringeworthy folks who think they could beat you up, and want you to know all about it.

Weird Flex To Mention A Granny Car

(Source: Reddit)

We Live In A Lawless Society

(Source: Reddit)

Yeah, This Seems Healthy

(Source: Reddit)

Would Love To Know Who That 1% Is

(Source: Reddit)

Love It Or Leave It Indeed

(Source: Reddit)

A True Fan Of Peaky Blinders Would Know How To Spell The Title Of The Show

(Source: Reddit)

This Is My Favorite One

(Source: Reddit)

Well, I'm Scared

(Source: Reddit)

This Is The Longest Definition Of Meek By Far

(Source: Reddit)

Thoughts & Prayers if Your Other Means Of Expressing Dominance Is Posting Things Like This

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/iamverybadass, reddit, walmart, working out, golds gym, gandhi, scarface, facebook, white claws, nurse, amazon reviews, fbi agents, bats, peaky blinders, newports, enemies, tshirts, bullying, collections,