Two so-called 'nice girls' in the following collection.

10 So-Called 'Nice Girls' Looking For Love In All The Wrong Ways

The dating world isn't typically easy, especially when the self-proclaimed "nice guys" of the internet are equally matched. "Nice girls" are the opposite of what they sound like, and they're just as cringeworthy as their fedora-wielding male counterparts. Here are some of the worst things they've been caught saying.

The Cat Isn't What He Should Be Getting Rid Of

Atheists vs Christians Debate Central 29 mins · I've been dating this guy, but he has a cat that he's had for a few years and personally I think he's way too attached to it and affectionate about it. Sometimes he'll get home and sees his cat and goes, "there's my girl!" and pet her when l'm like right there in the same room. This just seems like way too much attention for a grown man to be lavishing on a cat of all things. Do you think I could suggest he get rid of it? O Like Comment Take a second, breathe, then think. You're jealous of a cat... o_o 4 8m Like Reply and she thinks he's the one with a problem 01 Just now Like Reply

(Source: Reddit)

Useless Boyfriend

Follow Just been to Starbucks with Josh and I was in a mood so I said I didn't want anything and he actually didn't get me anything haha, anyone want a useless boyfriend? 999 11:53 pm - 18 Dec 2018 143 Retweets 3,023 Likes >

(Source: Reddit)

From iCarly

I till cant believe Carly had the audacity to get mad that Sam and Freddie kissed like she didn't curve him for 3 years straight 6:59 PM · 4/5/19 · Twitter for iPhone 3,393 Retweets 19.8K Likes

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Justice for Nick

Girl being faithful in a relationship should be done without being asked. hate when people are like "when he's faithfulo" like??? 1/10/17, 3:16 PM 5 LIKES 1s @Girl boy Nick? didnt you cheat on my dude delete that please. Girl that's not cool. 7:59 PM

(Source: Reddit)

It's Almost Like They're There to Work Out

7:17 1 hr • Why don't any buff guys at the gym talk to me. I think im a pretty cute girl but all the guys seem so focused on their workouts. Like seriously guys O Like Comment Share

(Source: Reddit)

Next Level Nice Girl

i Ab THESUN.CO.UK Woman 'sent man 159,000 texts and broke into his home naked' after ONE date

(Source: Reddit)

I Bet He Was Shocked and Upset Too

My boyfriend raised his voice at me for the first time today. I was shocked and upset. Granted, I did shove him into oncoming traffic* 5:57 PM · 3/11/19 · Twitter for iPhone 1 Retweet 59 Likes

(Source: Reddit)

When He Respects Your Answer a Little Too Much

A guy asked me out today and I told him "no", but I wanted him to try harder. Why didn't he try again? Ron Rule, CEO @ As Seen On TV Answered Feb 3 A girl asked me what I wanted for lunch and I said "pizza", but I really wanted steak. Why did she bring me pizza? Do you see how stupid that question sounds? That's how your question sounds. 94.1k Views View Upvoters

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The Passenger You'd Hate to Sit Next To

There's a young black guy sitting next to me on this flight.. his phone rang and it said "Baby Doll" I dare him to try to holla and say he's "single" How can someone be minding his busines, you invade his privacy and assume he wants to talk to you THEN make up a scenario in your head and be offended in advance??? Is everything alright with you dear? >

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Try to Cheer People Up on Dating Apps

O Search il 12:03 @ 1 0 * 56% Online now! Today Hey, I'm not looking for anything right now but I just wanted to tell you to hang in there because you'll find that special someone one day, I've personally given up with relationships for the time being but just for a while, because I know one day l'll meet the right person and I'm sure you will too Write a message About me I am the right person will never get a boyfriend it sks so much I don't wanna live :( guess Il'm no good ever as a Stop being selfish girl I try so hard I really do P Report I speak English .? Read

(Source: Reddit)

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