Two examples from the following collection.

13 People Being Humorously Knocked Out In Their Replies

In the middle of an increasingly mean-spirited news cycle and an increasingly stressful day-to-day, one entertaining place to head to is the subreddit /r/MurderedbyWords, where people are essentially destroyed by comments from others. We're looking for something to keep us occupied, and this is definitely the way to do it since we can watch people suffer from behind a computer screen, laughing at their pain and feeling thankful we've never posted something on social media that's gained this sort of response.

Most of us know better than to post something controversial online for this very reason, but so many people clearly missed the memo. The following posts are from political figures, journalists, athletes and the occasional person who just felt like getting something off their chest that was uncalled for. Honestly, a lot of these replies are pretty amazing, so if it was us, we wouldn't even be mad. Practicing a little bit of mean-spiritedness might prevent us from expressing it in other parts of our lives. But either way, RIP to these 13 people.

Roasted By The Words Not The Sun

(Source: Reddit)

At least OP has all that karma.

Problem Solved

(Source: Reddit)

What Proverb Is That?

Mzilikazi wa Afrika @lamMzilikazi "The youth can walk faster but the elders know the road." ~ African Proverb Chairman AW @AffiSupaStar The Youth have Google Maps

(Source: Reddit)

That Sounds Terrible

clÄŸ> @arabia612 Marry a guy who will email you when u block him cis lord problematic @MacMaal_ Fellas, marry a woman that doesn't play these kind of games

(Source: Reddit)

Ivy League Level Comeback

MIT Tech Review MIT Technology Review @techreview Ready for a world in which a $5O DNA test can predict your odds of earning a PhD or forecast which toddler gets into a selective preschool? Luther M. Siler @nfinitefreetime You can do this already with a ZIP code.

(Source: Reddit)

An Extremely Bold Tweet

bp BP @BP_plc The first step to reducing your emissions is to know where you stand. Find out your #carbonfootprint with our new calculator & share your pledge today! i pledge not to spill 4.9 million barrels of oil into the gulf of mexico

(Source: Reddit)

Not Anymore

Guys what's stopping you from dressing like this 24/7 ... @bigguccicraigy i do not work at olive garden

(Source: Reddit)

Zoomer Publicity Person Hired

(Source: Reddit)

There are probably some 39-year-olds who do talk like this, in her defense, however.

"Proper English"

(Source: Reddit)

Great Observation

(Source: Redd)

Discount Clapback

(Source: Reddit)

If You Find Bones

(Source: Reddit)

Anti-ocean bias on display here.


(Source: Reddit)

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