Two images of entitled people

15 Entitled People Making The World A Difficult Place To Live In

Entitled people are the kind of people who believe the world revolves around them. They think they deserve whatever they want, whenever they want it, at whoever's expense. It doesn't matter what they ask for, they know no bounds when it comes to their demands. Even worse than an entitled person is an entitled parent, not only are they being entitled, but they are also raising a whole new generation of entitled Karens, the cycle will truly never end.

Everyone knows one of these people, and no one really likes them. Having to deal with one is a surefire way to ruin an entire day. They are rude, out-of-touch and generally have no remorse or consideration for anyone or anything. Reddit users do the world a favor by documenting and collecting all of the most annoyingly entitled people out there, doing what they do best. Here are a few of them that will enrage anyone just by seeing them.

How is this real?

Dear Waiter, Waitress, Cook or Chef: Hello, my name is but my friends call me Onion, that's my nickname. Please read this carefully before we begin the food ordering or preparation process. I have some VERY specific food requirements due to my psycho sematic food neurosis or PSFN. To make my dining, and your work experience, more tolerable please read and follow the following VERY SPECIFIC requests regarding my food and its preparation. #1 ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY NO CHEESE on my food under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. I have a wicked cheese neurosis and any cheese on my food will trigger a VERY UNPLEASANT reaction that could induce vulgar language, food throwing, convulsions, ranting, raving and in many cases vomiting right there in the restaurant or worse.......explosive diarrhea. Believe me, you don't want to see, hear or smell any of these things. #2 ABSOLUTELY NO PORK CHOPS..... Please don't serve me, or even suggest, any pork chops. I had a VERY NASTY experience with pork chops that caused me to have a ganreous gall bladder. Please avoid pork chops at all costs..... they will cause what my friends & family call "CODE BROWN" which is an immediate explosive diarrhea event that you don't want here in your establishment. #3 NO TOMATOES..... Please do not serve me any type of tomatoes or even give me any food that has come in contact with tomatoes. These will cause another food neurosis fueled event that no one wants to see. Please, for everyone's sake, don't give me any tomatoes or food that has touched tomatoes. #4 I LOVE ONIONS..... That's why my nickname is Onion. If I order a sandwich please only put bread, meat and lots of onions on it..... that's all I want. And remember....... NO CHEESE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES...... NO CHEESE. Thanks for taking the time to read this and come to an understanding of my psycho sematic food neurosis. By complying with my very specific food requirements you will insure all of us will have a much more pleasant dining experience. You will also boost your chances of a bigger tip and save both of us the bother of me asking to speak with the manager. Thank-you

How nice

To our neighbors between and THAT'S YOU We are sorry to inform you that just one house refused to sign to close off your section of for the May 26 block party. Although the vast majority of the block seemed quite happy with the idea, we needed 100 percent of signatures to close the block, whether participating or not. Please feel free to party on your lawns or come join us between Lee and Reed. We would love to see you! The


✓ Αμι Hey so my birthday is this Thursday. I'm gunna be celebrating in Portland. If you want to help me have a good birthday, or don't know what to get me, or wish you were in person to say happy birthday, but you aren't in person. I would love a donation to my Portland trip cash me out friends and family. I take Apple Pay and my cash appist 1

The worst kind of person

Ford Waldey

Appointments are appointments for a reason

Review 0 0 + 20 ✶✶✶✶✶ 5 months ago Running 15 min late for an Appointment and the appointment scheduling s ☐ they will not flex their schedule to help you out if you're running late especially since I work first shift and bringing my dog on my lunch can be difficult. Go someplace else that will actually flex their schedule. I was already on my way when they said they "didn't have time" Helpful 0 Thanks 0 Love this 0 Oh no 1

That's pretty tacky

r/mildlyinfuriating u/Callme-risley • 5h Join My husband's cousin reached out to ask if I wanted to plan a vacation for herself and her daughter to "distract" me from my recent miscarriage...we weren't invited to join though. Hi [my name], I wanted to reach out and let you that we are thinking of you and [my husband]. Such a hard time and thing to have happen. If you need something to distract yourself, I know you are great at finding vacation locations. [Her daughter] wants to go to a beach. If you are up to planning it for us, let me know and I can send more information. And if not, I totally understand too!!" I am just gobsmacked. No ma'am, I did not take bereavement leave from work so I could play unpaid travel agent for a vacation I'm not even invited to join. For a virtual stranger, no less. We live in different states and I've only met her three times in ten years. I'm sure she means well, but I cannot imagine being so tactless. I just left her on read.

Those guys have been there a long time

2:06 Reels sea Clips Sea in clips @seainclips Baby gator testing out a deathroll IT TAKES COURAGE TO BE KIND Comments againstthempods 1w As a mother moving to Florida next year having these things walking around is very concerning. My children need to be protected Reply 177 jard_case 1w @againstthempods the alligators were in Florida long before you and your kids were. Just don't let 'em swim unsupervised in murky water and they'll be Add a comment for se... GIF 1,322

Can't believe they'd make you pay the whole bill

KitKat Kafé Local Guide 18 reviews a week ago Dine in Lunch | $30-50 Service and food was great. Cash only. I was short $1.71. Gave him $30 and with a blank stare from him, I had to use ATM for the $1.71. not a stitch of kindness which would have made me visit often. Now I will never go back. Food: 4 | Service: 1 | Atmosphere: 3 Recommended dishes: Pho, Brisket ✓ Helpful

Entitled people raising entitled kids

r/Amlthe AITA for confronting a neighbor who was rude to my son at trick or treat because of a "rule" I'd never heard of? I (27f) took my 4 year old son trick or treating on Halloween, as normal parents do. He was so adorable in his costume and his joy was infectious. We went along, house after house, lots of smiles, exclamations of how cute he was, and of course loads of candy. Then we came to one house. We rang the bell, initially there was no answer, but I could see there were lights on in the house, so clearly people were home. Also, I heard shuffling behind the door, clearly they were looking through the peephole to see who was there. I rang again. Then after 2 more minutes, I rang a third time, and the woman opened the door with a nasty look, and before my son could even say trick or treat, she pointed to her porch light and rudely said "porch light off means don't ring here" and started to close the door. The look on my little boys face was so heartbreaking, I could not let that nastiness slide. Plus, I had never heard of such a rule and told her so, and asked how she could break a little boy's heart like that. The repeated the rule and said she didn't have any candy anyway and to please leave her alone. I asked what kind of idiot doesn't make sure to have some bare minimum candy around on Oct 31, like use a c calendar. She said not everyone wants to be part of Halloween and slammed the door in my face. I comforted my poor son, explained some people are just terrible grinches and we moved on to a few more houses but the night was ruined. It got worse. I got back home and saw my phone had insane notifications, apparently this woman had recorded the whole interaction on her door camera and posted it to the local neighborhood Facebook group. Anyway, the backlash was so bad I had to leave the group, I'm still getting horrible dms. Apparently the porch light rule is real, it's a way to signal you're opting out of Halloween (who wants to opt out of Halloween?!) Even my husband won't back me up. He knew the rule, and while he's sympathetic to the social media abuse I'm getting, he said it was stupid of me to engage when she clearly didn't want to participate. I'm upset he thinks I should have let rudeness against our little boy slide. AITA for confronting this rude woman? Vote 19 people typing... Add a comment 1482 ↑ Sh ✓

Should've come prepared

Was at the bus stop, started pooring down with rain, person next to me had an umbrella. I didn't even have a coat and was getting soaked. Didn't even offer to share it honestly like?? I would is that weird? Like ik personal space and stuff like they obviously don't have to but it would be kind


PLEASE READ!! Thank you Dearest Neighbor, Happy Autumn! I can see you are preparing for fall time and the holidays. I do, however, humbly ask you to reconsider your Halloween decor. I walk to feel peace and for my mental health so naturally, I was passing through your neighborhood. earlier. My peace of mind disappeared upon seeing the skeletons bearing the zombie baby. My brother died as an infant. His death was many years ago but I haven't forgotten. The pain of his loss is very real. Because of this, the n-dead baby decoration nearly broke me apart. Hours after, as I write, I continue to feel disturbed. I am not the only one affected. in 2021, the CDC reported nearly 20,000 infant deaths!! Struggling with this loss is something many people quietly suffer with... even in this very neighborhood. Imagine if it was your child. Imagine the anguish, the hurt, the emptiness that your heart and your home would feel... Considering all this, please take down those Halloween decorations. Doing so will make our neighbor- hood feel safe and comforting again. Of course, we can still celebrate the fall time season! But we must do so in a way that brings everyone gladness and Like your inflatable dog. That decoration is super cute peace. Thank you so very much! I hope you enjoy this beautiful day. Y Sincerely, your neig!!

This has to be a bad joke

Just a quick post to say that I would really appreciate it if anyone younger than me would wait for people older than them to get married before they do. Or at least ask all the older people they know who aren't married yet to let them know if they would be happy for them to get married before them. I might be generally happy for the younger people who have got married younger than me and might feel that you've made good choices. However there may be older people who may not have yet felt able to admit that they might have preferred if it you'd waited for them to find someone to get married to first. Some people might have witnesses me doing certain things before older people have, such as getting a bachelor's and master's degree, so perhaps I've decided to hold back on pursuing a pHD and wait and see if other older people would mind me doing that first. So from now on, if you're older than me and know me, please feel free to contact me and let me know what level job you've got to before and what you'd be happy for me to do so that I don't over take you. Also I'd really appreciate it if people younger than me in work would ask me if they mind whether or not they take on certain roles before they do. Thanks!

"Inept" how nice

Inept management. I and a group of 5 others went in there last fall at 10:00 on a Saturday morning. The owner (I presume) said they didn't open til 11, and refused to serve us til that time even when we told him we only wanted drinks and we pay with cash & tip well. An entrepreneur would have been happy to start his day with a $100 sale...not this guy! ☺ 1d Like Reply 716

Pay them, I guess

HOW TO TREAT ME Start Here 10 August 2021 Х HOW TO TREAT ME Start Here 10 August 2021 2: the supporters Х HOW TO TREAT ME Start Here 10 August 2021 2: the supporters HELLO. Welcome to my account. I don't like people here to watch me silently. Here are different levels of support I need. Please tell me which one you can and are willing to provide. Step 2: Value me. Pay me. Appreciate me. If you can't pay me, and you're white... I'd like you really rethink that. Really think about your privilege in relation to mine and what is equitable. It's not a donation. It is COMPENSATION. I have tarot cards of my poetry linked in my bio. I also have a Patreon where you can contribute monthly. Everyone else - you can share my posts to people who can pay. Send me opportunities of platforms that will pay me. Send me that PAID writing contest. Send me that online event where I can sell my tarot cards. Send me the contact info of that BIPOC publisher. I expect this of everyone. Not just those in community with me in my private account. Х

Low pay and no tattoos

Looking for someone to pet sit OVERNIGHT this weekend. Friday night and Saturday night. You are not to leave for more than 20 minutes at a time (up to 3 times to grab food, etc). Pay is $35 for the weekend and I will also stock fridge with pizza. If you have tattoos you will NOT be hired. Must have references.

(Source: Reddit)

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